Job Interview Tips & Skills for first time job seekers by Rakesh Prasad

Job Interview Tips & Skills for first time job seekers by Rakesh Prasad. Get trained in : How to face interview for freshers. How to prepare for group discussion for placements, self-introduction for a job interview. Embrace Simple yet Effective Techniques to crack your dream job interview.


Tuesday, May 11, 2021

MCQ on Group Discussion | GD Quiz Questions and Answers



How well do you understand Group Discussion?
Test your knowledge of GD in this quiz.

Recruitment is a process where candidates are taken through various steps before someone is finally selected for a job. Every company has its own recruitment process.


There are certain steps that candidates are made to go through that are called elimination rounds.


Some of the elimination rounds can be verbal ability tests, essay writing tests, Just a Minute (JAM), and Group discussions popularly known as GD.


No matter what the academic performance of the candidate, if he is not able to ace the GD round he will be eliminated and will lose his opportunity to join that particular organization.


A group discussion is used to judge various qualities of the participating candidates, most common being communication skills, leadership skills, interpersonal skills.


An individual preparing for such a recruitment process should start to get their feet wet by reading a lot about what a GD is and how to perform in a GD.


Once the fundamentals of GD are clear and he understands what is expected of him in a GD, he can start preparing for group discussion.


Now, this is not a blog where we discuss how to prepare for a GD. You can do your own research and get clarity on that.


Are you ready to take the quiz on Group Discussion?



Answers to the below quiz can be found at the end of this blog.

Q1.  Group Discussion is a purposeless oral exchange of information and ideas.


A. True

B. False


Q2. During a Group Discussion, the participants can


A. Discuss many topics

B. Remain silent

C. Talk to just one person

D. None


Q3. A Group Discussion is


A. Communication of Ideas

B. Constructive and Cooperative

C. Both

D. None


Q4. Group Discussion can also be considered as an argument on a subject to attack and win.


A. True

B. False


Q5. In a Group Discussion if a candidate doesn't know anything about the given topic then it is better to


A. Keep quiet

B. Assume that he will be rejected

C. Make use of his listening skills

D. Think about what he will do after the GD


Q6. In order to get selected in a Group Discussion, the candidate must


A. Be Dogmatic

B. Silence others

C. Can do both

D. None


Q7. To initiate the Group Discussion means


A. Giving chance to others to speak

B. Being Humble

C. To cause or facilitate the beginning of the topic

D. Inspiring others to speak


Q8. A candidate's gesture in the GD should be


A. Inappropriate

B. Irrelevant

C. Relevant

D. Laid - back


Q9. In a Group Discussion, a candidate is expected to be


A. Ignorant

B. Ill-mannered

C. Cheeky

D. None


Q10. Which of the following must be avoided by a candidate in a Group Discussion?


A. Speaking fast

B. Speaking facts

C. Speaking with precision

D. All



As you attempt the quiz and get to know the answers you will also get an insight into what you should be doing and what should be avoided in a Group Discussion.


Q11.  A candidate speaking for long in a GD improves his chances of getting selected.


A. True

B. False


Q12. A candidate who doesn't participate in the GD but concludes the GD


A. Will impress the evaluator

B. Does not impress the evaluator

C. Will come out as a winner

D. Will score better than others


Q13. When you want to have clarity on a topic or a problem and come to a conclusion then _______________ is the best option.


A. Debate

B. Disagreement

C. Getting Dominated

D. Group Discussion


Q14. When a candidate comes for a GD and doesn't participate, the most important thing that he has wasted is his


A. Opportunity

B. Travel fare

C. Sleep

D. Playing Video Games time


Q15. Being emotional during Group Discussion will generate sympathy towards you and you will get selected in the GD round.


A. True

B. False


Q16. What is the right dress code for a Group Discussion Session?


A. Casual

B. Any dress will do

C. Formal

D. Jazzy


Q17. If most of the participants in a group discussion are talking on the same point and going in circles what should you as a participant do?


A. Sit and enjoy their talk

B. Join them and start talking on the same point

C. Try to take the discussion on to a different tangent

D. Leave the group discussion


Q18. In a Group Discussion if someone else says what you wanted to say then what do you do?


A. Get angry at him and blame him for stealing your idea

B. Agree with him and then add a new thought to it

C. Go into a shell and decide that the game is over for you

D. Have pity on yourself


Q19. One way to make other candidates relate to your point of view in a group discussion is to


A. Give examples from your life

B. Tell a short story to justify your point

C. Use humor if required

D. All


Q20. What should be the initial objective of a candidate in a Group Discussion?


A. Make sub-groups with your neighbor

B. Capture the attention of the group and initiate the discussion

C. Silence everybody and show who is the boss

D. To wait for someone to take the lead


Q21. Group Discussion is used to evaluate which of the following qualities in a candidate?


A. Confer with other candidates on the given subject

B. Communication Skills

C. Both

D. None


Q22. How can a candidate conclude a Group Discussion?


A. Let me conclude by adding this new point

B. We have to reach a consensus on this topic

C. You have no idea what you are talking about

D. I have the best solution


Q23. How do you clarify your point in a GD?


A. Excuse me, please listen to me

B. I don’t agree with your view

C. Let me explain with an example

D. You have to agree with me


Q24. How can a candidate prepare for GD?


A. Be updated on current affairs

B. Practice discussing various topics

C. Develop your own point of view

D. All


Q25. A group has the capability to solve problems better than an individual because


A. Group members can come up with more information and generate a variety of ideas on a single topic

B. Some members in the group can pinpoint shortcoming of an idea

C. A group can give better clarity of thoughts than an individual on his own

D. All


In Conclusion

This quiz on Group Discussion can test your understanding of GD but unless and until read a lot on various topics, especially current affairs and then practice having a healthy discussion on various topics, you may never be able to clear the GD round.

So, go ahead and start taking some action!









Q1. ANSWER: B     Q2. ANSWER: D     Q3. ANSWER: C


Q4. ANSWER: B     Q5. ANSWER: C     Q6. ANSWER: D


Q7. ANSWER: C     Q8. ANSWER: C     Q9. ANSWER: D


Q10. ANSWER: A     Q11. ANSWER: B     Q12. ANSWER: B


Q13. ANSWER: D     Q14. ANSWER: A     Q15. ANSWER: B


Q16. ANSWER: C     Q17. ANSWER: C     Q18. ANSWER: B


Q19. ANSWER: D     Q20. ANSWER: B     Q21. ANSWER: C


Q22. ANSWER: B     Q23. ANSWER: C     Q24. ANSWER: D





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