Rakesh Prasad is a Soft Skill Trainer, Personality & Behavioral Coach, Blogger, Sales Coach and an Investor. is a blog about money, personal finance, investing, how to start a business, entrepreneurship, sales, peak performance, increasing productivity and more.
I love the subject of money.
I have had some great adventures with
money. It was no less than a roller coaster ride. I started playing with money ever since I got out of college.
I started investing in various tools with the
intention to make my money work for me. Some were good investments, some bad, and
some worst.
Even though I did not have enough money, I
always ensured that I keep on investing whatever money I can.
One of the biggest influences on me when it
came to money was the RICH DAD POOR DAD series of books. I have about all the
books in the series. I read it and made notes and then tried to follow the
On the path of becoming financially free I
started my own business. It ran quite well for few years and then I failed. All
the investments that I had made were used up to close and come out of my
In those years when I was in business I
learnt the most valuable lessons about money, people, and life. I jotted down
my lessons and realisations in writing pads, diaries, computers, and any
writing material that I could lay my hands on.
The vast knowledge that I had accumulated were lying scattered everywhere.
To overcome my weakness in business I went
into sales. The profession of sales opened me up to entire new world and
opportunities. I started reading books on sales. Any book that had selling as
the topic, I bought it and read. I practiced whatever techniques were given.
Slowly and steadily I evolved my own style of selling. I sold entrepreneurial coaching seminar and went on to become one of the brightest sales personal in my
organisation. I started making notes on my selling techniques, refining it over
a period of time. I started coaching the sales team on the techniques of
selling. I showed them how to close a deal.
Then I started coaching entrepreneurs on how
to set up processes and systems in their organisation. I introduced customized
tools to systematize their day to day operations. This helped the entrepreneurs
create a system driven organization.
The transformation was visible after a period
of time. I once again started writing about what I was doing and how it was
transforming the way entrepreneurs did business.
I was sitting on a huge pile of notes about
everything that I had learnt. I was carrying it with me wherever I went. I
wanted to do something with it.
And then I discovered blogging. I thought, “Putting
my content on blogs will be a great idea.” I started blogging. One was paid,
few were on free platforms. I started
writing and posting about lots of topics.
“Blogging is not just about creating content
and posting it online”. This again I
learnt the hard way. I burnt my fingers and lost money on that too.
I closed my blog.
But the idea of blogging really fascinated
me. I started reading books on blogging, watching YouTube videos, making notes.
I wanted to make a comeback with blogging.
One of the biggest realizations I had about
blogging was – I need to keep on posting
blogs with patience, perseverance and passion.
So, here I am, back with blogging. This time
my topics are money, personal finance, sales, peak performance and all the
topics that can help create a life worth living.
I am presenting in the blogs simple yet
effective “How to...’ tools and Actionable that can be followed by anyone to
get the desired results. The ideas that flow into my contents are from my real
life experiences that includes my failure as well as success.
freedom is a wonderful thing, and it's my mission to
help you be a Rich.
I invite you to join the community. I am sure
you can learn a lot
about money, sales, entrepreneurship and life from what I
have to
I am giving entrepreneurship another chance.
This time it’s going to be online, in the form of a blog and YouTube channel.
As for the matters of money, my romance with
money still continues.
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