Job Interview Tips & Skills for first time job seekers by Rakesh Prasad

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Friday, October 5, 2018

Description of Sunrise | An essay on Sunrise | Describing a Sunrise

Sunrise As Seen With My Eyes

Most of us have seen sunset, but how many of us have seen sunrise? And I am talking about real sunrise, not something in a movie or a photo.

Not many, I guess.

My mother says – No two sunrises are the same.

I am one of the lucky ones who had the opportunity to see one sun rise with my own eyes. Sorry, not see, but experience the sunrise.

Let me tell you something – there can be nothing more pleasing to the senses than watching the rising sun. Nature is at its best in those moments.

Now I am going to describe to you the mesmerizing beauty of the rising sun.
The sky was still dark as I stood barefoot on the terrace facing east. I was feeling cold and sleepy, but the excitement to watch the magnificent sun rise was more powerful than the comfort of my warm bed; and that made me give up on my sleep.

If we live in the moment, we can experience magic.

Within seconds, the dark sky slowly started to dissolve into light blue colour. The entire surrounding lit up as if someone had switched on a bright light in a dark room.  Everything appeared dazzling and fresh in front of my eyes. The environment was filled with the chirping of birds, calling out to the world to rise and shine.

But, I could still not see the sun.

I was staring at the sky waiting, afraid to even blink my eyes. I did not want to miss even a second of the spectacular view of the rising sun.

Come, let me take you to that very moment when the sun was about to rise.
Close your eyes and just imagine for a moment – the entire sky in front of you is blue in colour, pure white clouds are floating in the sky in different shapes and sizes, you are waiting for that moment when the sun will rise, and then slowly in front of your eyes a fluorescent orange ball in perfect round shape starts emerging from behind those clouds. The white clouds turn into bright orange colour as if an artist had splashed orange colour on to the sky.
I want you to feel with me the bright golden rays emerging from the magnificent sun and falling on to your face, making you glow. Feel the warmth of the sun rays on your body.

Slowly open your eyes – Welcome to a bright new day!

This is what I said to myself.

My entire experience of watching the sunrise lasted not more than few minutes. In that few minutes the rising sun filled the entire sky with deep colours of rubies, setting the clouds ablaze.

Let me tell you this – If you are lucky, watching the sun rise can be once in a life time experience for you.

As my moment of happiness watching the sun rise came to an end, I became a bit poetic and out came a line -

“After a night of gloom,
sunrise comes with hopes and aspirations
giving us one more chance to bloom.”

Thank You!

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