What is The Simple Every day Lessons to Innovate, Grow Faster, and Win Big Like Richard Branson Starting Today?
Sir Richard Branson |
Does the Richard Branson Way of running a business excite you?
Then why don’t you start?
What are you waiting for?
In today’s world of internet connectivity where everything is online, there is no secret.
It is just hidden from us, not deliberately, but simply because we don’t look at things closely.
So what we are going to read below is not a secret. It is something you didn’t look at before so closely.
Read the blog, take notes as to what actionable are you going to try out and starting today roll up your sleeves and get going.
Let me set the ball rolling.
The Simple Every day Lessons to Innovate, Grow Faster, and Win Big Like Richard Branson Starting Today
Success comes from taking actions. Whether the actions are right or wrong that will be revealed only when we start seeing the results.
Success also depends on our response and behavior towards the results we achieve. When you get wrong results or bad results do you change the actionable or do you change your goal or worse, give up on the idea?
If you change your goal or give up on your idea then you are not exhibiting the right behavior of an entrepreneur.
You need to fight it out before you give up.
Creating a business is like going on a jungle trail where there is no defined path. You have to clear the thorns and hurdles and create a path for yourself. In business failures and things that don’t work are the thorns that you have to remove in order to create a new path.
Before you decide to give up on your goals, for just one more time, change you're actionable, change your response to the negative results, change your behavior. Do things differently to get better results.
If you read Richard Branson’s Autobiography it will be revealed to you that once he has decided to do something, he runs with that idea faster than a speeding bullet. He does not give up on his goals; he just finds a different way to reach that goal.
It is said that Richard Branson’s Virgin was started from a public phone booth. The capital involved was peanuts.
How did it happen?
What makes him different?
What is he great at doing?
What lessons can we all learn from his business success?
As you read you will realize that the lessons are simple daily behavior patterns.
Let’s start with something that I read long ago – “Theory is for those with time on their hands. Making it happen is what Management and Business are all about.”
And Richard Branson not only knows but also practices that very well.
Here are a few behaviors of the world’s greatest brand builder, Sir Richard Branson.
Make Your Customers Your Business Consultants
Your customers know what is good for them and what they expect from your business. They can pinpoint on what you are doing great and what needs to be improved in your business.
You don’t have to hire the services of expensive business consultants.
If you are willing to listen they can give you better strategies to scale your business than your many business gurus and consultants.
So, listen to people associated with your business and products. Get to know what is bothering them and what is it that excites them about your product?
Are you willing to adopt this behavior starting today?
If ‘Yes’; prepare a list of actionable that you will do so that you know that you are working on a new behavior of yours.
Make Your Business an Adventure and Lots of Fun
You are into a serious business but that not necessarily means that you have to make serious face and work.
Add fun to your business. You also have fun and let your employees also have fun.
Don’t take it in a negative way. Having fun at work doesn’t mean that you don’t work and sit and gossip or play all day long till it’s time to go home.
You need to integrate fun in the way you do business.
What is your idea of fun that can be enjoyed by everyone? See how you can merge it in the way you conduct business. This way the entire team can enjoy doing their job.
Fun not necessarily should mean "time pass".
Fun not necessarily should mean spending money and partying.
Here’s how people at Virgin Group have fun.
Richard Branson exhibits and encourages informality. People can call each other with their first name. You need not to get formal in addressing others.
Don’t leave any opportunity to praise people around you. It’s easy to criticize and blame others. Stay away from easy stuff. Now, this doesn’t mean you close your eyes to all the negative or wrong things happening in your organization. You need to create a system so that people don’t take advantage and wrong things don’t happen in your company. If someone needs to be criticized do it in person, not in front of everyone.
Praise even the smallest of the small achievements of your team. Develop and learn the art of praising, it will boost the morale of the team and they will strive to excel in whatever they do.
According to me, there is a caveat to it.
You should have the right people on board.
When you have mediocre people in your company, showing this kind of behavior can be demoralizing for you. You might find it a waste of time and energy.
Do you have the right people in your company?
By right people, I mean people who are really skilled at their job.
Are you willing to practice this behavior starting today?
Lead from the Back
If you have a skilled team on board then you can practice leading from the back.
What leading from the back really means is that you as the owner or entrepreneur act like a catalyst in your organization. You are not involved in the day to day decision-making process. Most of the entrepreneurs bury themselves in some petty activities like who drank how many cups of tea today, who came late to work, who is absent? Place the right person for that job and get out of it.
Get out of things and stop behaving like a one-man army.
The ultimate aim of an entrepreneur should be to make himself redundant in his own organization.
For this, you need to surround yourself with talented people.
Next thing you need to practice if you want to lead from the back is, you should be willing to welcome new ideas. It doesn’t matter from where it comes if it’s an idea that will benefit your organization, welcome it and implement it.
If you really want to follow this Branson Leadership Behavior then know when to get out of the way and let people take over the things.
Do you think you can practice leading from the back in your organization?
Make a list of actionable that you will do so that you can monitor the result of your new behavior.
Sir Richard Branson |
Finally, you need to pick up the attitude of Richard Branson.
What’s his attitude?
“Go Out and Test Everything. You can only Learn by Testing.”
These three behaviors are not the complete list in itself. This is not the end. In fact, this is the beginning of a new chapter in your business and life.
If you want to take home the Branson Way of Doing Business then,
“Learn to be a Happy, Fun Loving and Adventurous Entrepreneur.”
You May Want to Check Out Business Books Authored by Richard Branson Explaining His Philosophy of Doing Business
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