Learn The Secret Lesson & Get that Edge Today To Speed Up Your Decision-Making Skills The Right Way Every day
This blog is dedicated to all the hardworking entrepreneurs and independent professionals, like you, who continue on in the face of any challenge to add value to society, to support your family, to build your business and win your FREEDOM!
What You Will Read In This Blog:
Are You Stuck in the Dilemma of ‘To Do or Not To Do’?Here is ‘How To Make The Right Decision’
Happy Reading and Implementing
Read, Think, and Just Do It!
Get that Edge Today To Speed Up Your Decision-Making Skills The Right Way Every day
There are two kinds of people I have met. One who wants to be an entrepreneur and others who think they want to be an entrepreneur.
The people who want to be an entrepreneur say – ‘I want to start my own business.’ And they go ahead and start their own business. On the other hand the people who are into a high paying job and who think that after so many years of doing a job, they should become an entrepreneur say – ‘I want to start my own business, but…’ and then they go on to narrate the same story again and again and again as to why they are not able to start their own business.
What’s the difference between these two kinds of people?
The one difference that can be seen is their ability or inability to take snap decisions.
Till now all the decisions pertaining to the organization is being taken by their company heads in which the people stuck on their ‘but’ are working. When these people decide to start their own organization, they find that suddenly they will become the decision makers in all aspects of running their organization. For this they are not ready.
The second Mount Everest size decision that hovers on their head is to let go off the monthly salary that they are getting.
Yet, they have this dream to start their own venture.
What should they do in such a scenario? We will come to that.
Again, this is not the case just with people who want to start a business. Similar situation arises in the lives of entrepreneurs who are already in business.
Everyday entrepreneurs have to make many decisions pertaining to their business growth –
Do I hire this expensive employee or not?
Do I go in for this heavy investment in technology or not?
Do I really need to upgrade myself to run my organization?
Do I launch this new product or not?
And the Questions go on and on and on…
Here again the reaction is of two kind –
One kind of entrepreneurs say – ‘I will take this action’ and then go ahead with their decision.
The other kind say – ‘I want to go ahead with this decision, but…’ and they start the same old story. The best part is they tell this story not only to themselves but to their friends too. The question is what the point in telling this to their friends? Do they want to show that actually they are willing to do big things; but it is their situation that is stopping them from doing it?
You can either be a Bechara (poor little guy) or you can be successful!
The question still remains – If you are stuck in such a scenario where you have to take a decision, what should you do?
The answer is simple –
Toss a coin!
Now before you think this is some kind of a joke, just be with me and allow me to explain myself.
In our entire life at least once we must have used this technique of tossing a coin and coming to a decision.
What does tossing a coin do to our mind? When we decide to toss a coin to come to a decision, this trick helps us in connecting with our subconscious mind.
Let us do this interesting trick right away.
Think about a decision that you want to make. For the sake of fun and learning it can also be a trivial decision like to go to a movie or not.
Now decide which side of the coin will represent your ‘Yes’ decision and which side will represent your ‘No’ decision.
Suppose for the sake of this trick, you have decided – Heads I will go ahead with my plan and tails I will give up on the idea.
Make a close note of what is happening in your mind as you get ready to flip the coin.
Go ahead,
Now flip the coin.
Which side did the coin land on?
If it shows ‘heads’ and now you have to go ahead with your plan yet you are not very happy with it; then the reason could be deep down you still don’t believe in your planning. Your subconscious mind is not ready to go ahead and you start feeling anxiety inside you.
Now, what if it shows ‘tails’?
In this case there is nothing to think, you have already decided that you will scrap your idea, you will not go ahead with what you have planned.
Note your emotions. How do you feel?
You might say to yourself – ‘…see I knew I will not succeed, even the coin says so. Doing business is not in my fate...’
This leads to the fact that you don’t have the required trust in your own planning. You have already made up your mind not to do it, even though on the face of it you might not even realize that you have unknowingly made this decision.
Take a piece of blank paper and fold it in between to divide it into two equal parts. On the left-hand side write down your response to ‘heads’ and on the right-hand side write down your response to ‘tails’. What were the thoughts that came to your mind when you saw ‘heads’ and what were the thoughts that came in your mind when you saw ‘tails’.
What will happen if you go ahead with the plan and what will happen if you drop the plan? Write it down in each column.
Now go through it again and analyze these responses deeply.
The question that might be coming to your mind is should you go with the result of the toss or not? Can tossing of a coin decide your life’s greatest decisions?
After this interesting little mind trick what you should not be doing is – taking the results for granted!
This tossing of a coin is to be used as a tool to get you to make a decision. It is a tried and tested method to resolve a matter and for most of the time, you make the decision for the better than for the worse.
Now, let us take this tool one step ahead.
What if the analysis that you have written on the paper balance out equally? When your decision of ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ both are strong what do you do?
When both, your left-hand side and your right-hand side are equally strong then take care, whatever decision you make, it will lead to problems in the near future.
Arriving at a 50-50 chance is like telling yourself that you only believe 50% in whatever decision you will make.
And even if you go ahead with this decision of 50%, you will eventually get only 50% results.
Because you yourself planned and expected the odds of your success to be only 50%
This is not the right sign for you. It is better to give up on your plan. Discard it completely.
But then after you decide to discard your plan, what do you do?
Create a plan that will ignite a fire inside you. Something that will excite you to believe 100% in it; nothing less than 100% will do!
Create that new blueprint of your success. Create your very own Success Manifesto! Then take a snap decision to Implement it.
Not tomorrow, not next year, not on your birthday; the moment you have your blueprint in hand, start doing it the very moment. Get into action immediately!
Don’t think that you have to take that ‘Yes’ decision. In fact, this blog cannot make you do that. In fact, no one can. Every decision will not necessarily end with a ‘Yes’. It is not necessary that you have to say ‘Yes’ to anything and everything that comes your way.
What needs to be implemented by you is even if you want to say ‘No’, don’t linger for too long to say it. Make that snap decision. This will at least get you into the habit of making quick decisions.
But before you say that ‘No’ remember there is a catch in saying ‘No’.
If you start saying ‘No’ to everything and the only reason for your ‘No’ is fear of failure then there is something fundamentally wrong inside you. You have been attacked by the virus called ‘Failure’ and you need to immediately install a strong antivirus inside you to get rid of it.
You have to decide what that antivirus should be. You and you alone are capable of fighting that virus.
Next time when an opportunity comes knocking at your door don’t hesitate to take a snap decision. The idea, the opportunity will not stay with you for long.
Most people think of an idea which for them is out of this world and then what do they do with their idea? They get into the paralysis of analysis. Year after year they keep on analyzing their idea, thinking what all they will do with the idea. They go so deep into their analysis that they unknowingly get burdened by their own analysis. And then their analysis gets a paralytic attack. They are not able to come out of that comfort zone to launch their idea and are still living with it in the hope that one day they will surely launch their own business.
Only one thing will happen to their idea – they will take it to their grave!
Remember, nobody can decide for you. Nobody can flip that coin for you. Whether it is a ‘Yes’ to something or a ‘No’ to the same thing, it always helps to make a snap decision and move ahead in life. Don’t become stagnate in your decisions. Make up your mind soon, because stagnate water and a stagnate mind, both decay!
Learn from the saying – ‘Fortune favors the bold’ and ‘The bold turn fortune in their favor’.
So, the next time creative juices start to flow in your mind and you are hit by that billion dollar idea – don’t hesitate, take that first step towards making a decision.
Flip a Coin!
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