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Monday, December 2, 2019

[Blogging Tips & Advice] - I want to be a BLOGGER, but what should I blog about ⁉

Q. I want to be a BLOGGER, but what should I blog about
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Understanding Blogging
Blogging Advice

If this question is bothering you and stopping you from becoming a blogger, then what I have to say might help.

Read on...

The obvious answer is, 'Blog what you are passionate about!'

But your passion for the topic is not going to help you if you want to earn money through blogging. Let me expand on this.
Your passion about your topic will only take you a certain distance or to a certain level of success. You can't entirely depend on it.
Here's what you need to start doing...
  • You need to be passionate about BLOGGING and not about the topic. You might run out of content, you might get bored of the topic, or your topic may not have enough interested audience to earn money. The reasons can be umpteen. But if you are passionate about blogging then you can pick up any topic and start blogging once again.
  • You need to create an URGENCY! A Do or Die situation if you are really wanting to see some money coming from your blog.
  • You need to keep on churning out valuable blogs for your readers to benefit from.
Top Blogging Tips
Blogging is Helping

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