2 Things That Help Us In Achieving Our SUCCESS, and ADVANCEMENT in LIFE or Keeps Us Mediocre
I had read somewhere that you will never know you are poor if you live in a poor locality. Everything will appear nice and good.
The same is with intelligence!
You will never know how intelligent or unreasonable, unimaginative, and unintelligent you are if you are in the company of mediocre people.
All your actions and dreams will be in alignment with the advice you get from them or the level of thoughts you get living in their companion.
Why there is a difference in the level of success one achieves and the level of success one desires.
This difference in desire and reality is the problem.
What are the 2 Basic Root Problems We Must Know
to Achieve Success and Give Meaning to Our Lives?
The First Root of the Problem is:
Who are your companions?
Your personality and your intellect, based on which you decide your actions or take decisions, is an average intellect of five people with whom you keep company.
This is a very powerful statement.
Take a few seconds to think about your companions with whom you spend the maximum time of your day.
Now, spending time doesn’t just mean being physically present with your gang. You can be interacting through messaging Apps or through social media.
Even if you are not interacting with human beings you may be interacting with Social Media platforms like Facebook and YouTube. The kind of content you watch on these platforms is also an interaction.
Is the content educational, politically motivated, hateful content, or inspirational? Think about it!
These contents become your companion as you spend time from your 24 hours. They positively or adversely affect your mind whether you know it or not. This results in the thoughts that are generated in your mind and how you look at the world around you.
Without getting into scientific details we can state -
“Unknowingly your personality and your intelligence become average of all the contents that you watch on a daily basis.”
The Second Root of the Problem
Whom do you take your advice from?
The tragedy of most people is that they take advice from people they are comfortable with or someone who fills their ears with all sorts of hatred and negativity towards life.
These advice seekers do this without realizing the consequence they will have to face in near future.
One of the most famous examples of wrong advice can be taken from our Great Epic Mahabharata. If you have read Mahabharata or watched the popular television serial you will know that:
‘In Mahabharatha, the Pandavas consulted Shri Krishna while the Kauravas consulted their Shrewd and Manipulative Shakuni Mama. We all know what the outcome was.’
Once again I would like to ask - ‘Who do you consult in life? Who is your advisor?’
Are you taking advice from someone who has traits of Shakuni? Then no need to say that you are in grave danger.
Most often these Shakunis are not outside but inside us. They block our rational thinking with their BIG FAT EGO and advice us that whatever we are doing is best for us.
This stops us from consulting anybody outside who is much educated and more experienced; instead, blinded by our ego, we do whatever comes to our mind. We can call this - self consultation!
We don’t stop to ask ourselves whether we are capable of advising ourselves on crucial matters of life.
We automatically believe that we are born experts and can teach the entire world.
So, what do we do? We just go ahead with the thought - ‘I know whatever I am doing is best for me. I don’t need anybody’s advice. After all, it’s my life!’
Most of the time the result is not something that we envisioned. The Shakuni inside us leads us to defeat that may break us emotionally or financially.
Another reason why we take advice from the wrong sources is Social Media Platforms.
Today, social media platforms are daily bombarded with success stories and super inspiring quotes from the likes of Ratan Tata, Mukesh Ambani, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and many more.
We think that reading those quotes makes us automatically capable of achieving what those successful leaders have achieved.
These motivating quotes make life and achieving success appear so very easy.
Why does this happen?
Because we only look at what they said and not what they went through to gain such humongous success!
What’s the outcome?
Today people are attaching the word ‘easy’ to everything they seek.
People look for an easy degree, easy money, easy job, easy boss. In short, what they are looking for is a life without hard work and struggle!
They have the desire to own riches and sleep on a silky bed but they are not willing to go through the long storm of hard labor.
This is why they not just take but jump and pounce on the advice offered by the people who show them an opportunity to live their easy dream life. In the process, they waste precious years of their life and of course a big chunk of their money.
The Shakuni in them always wins!
In Conclusion
So, the two things necessary to know to achieve success in life are:
(1) Who are your companions?
(2) Whom do you take your advice from?
Before I wrap up this blog I would like to leave you with a few actionable because I sincerely believe without actionable there can be no desired result.
Given below are six powerful questions. Read the questions and try to answer it as honestly and sincerely as you can. Take your time to think before answering them. Don’t be in a hurry as this is not a test and there is no time limit. But don’t delay it just because you are feeling lazy.
Most people are seldom honest with themselves because oftentimes lying about their hyped capabilities to themselves makes them feel on top of the world.
But for your sake I want you to be truthful to yourself!
Don’t worry!
You don’t have to write your answers in the comment section and neither do you have to share them with your friends or relatives if you don’t want to.
Keep it very private and very personal but don’t lie to yourself.
Don’t try to convince yourself. Answer the questions objectively.
Are you ready?
Get your journal and a pen and we will get started.
Q1. Who are your 5 companions with whom you spend most of your time? Write down their names.
If they are not people, then what 5 types of programs or videos you watch daily either on TV or on Social Media?
Q2. What according to you is their average intelligence? You can give them ratings from 1 to 5 with 1 being the minimum value and 5 being the maximum value. You can write their score next to their names.
For videos and programs you can give ratings based on how positively they impact you.
Q3. Take the average of the scores that you have given above. You can calculate the average by adding all the scores of your 5 companions and dividing it by 5. Write the average below.
This is your average intelligence.
Q4. Is the average intelligence of your companionship in alignment with your life goals?
What I mean is that being in their companion will you be able to achieve your life goals? Why do you think so?
Q5. Based on your answer to question number 4 write down how you feel about the whole thing?
Q6. Ask yourself - ‘Do I need to change or move away from the companionship that I enjoy at the moment?’ Why?
Now you have clarity on who influences your decision-making and all the actions that you take.
If you are happy, keep on nurturing the relationship with your friends; if no then it is time for you to make some tough decisions.
All the Best!
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