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Friday, August 27, 2021

[No Secret] 7 Enduring Tough Lessons You Can Pick Up from the Legendary Hockey Player Dhyan Chand On Creating History in Your Chosen Profession


7 Enduring Tough Lessons from the Legendary Hockey Player Dhyan Chand On Creating History in Your Chosen Profession

It’s hard to predict in advance what you’ll eventually grow to love.

n  Cal Newport, So Good They Can’t Ignore You


His name was Dhyan Singh.


It cannot be said that playing hockey was his passion. He didn’t even start playing the game until he joined the British Indian Army at a very young age of sixteen.


Watching others play hockey in the army, he also picked up the stick. As he dribbled the ball he started enjoying and took a liking to hockey. That was the turning point of his life.


He was so fascinated by the game of hockey that when others would rest after duty hours, he would pick up his hockey stick and go out into the night to practice. There were no floodlights so he would wait for the moon to shine and then he would practice under the moonlight for hours into the night.


Practicing all alone in the moonlight became his daily routine. His fellow players started calling him ‘Chand’ (moon). And thus, Dhyan Singh became Dhyan Chand.


Under the able guidance of Subedar-Major Bale Tiwari, a keen hockey enthusiast, Dhyan Chand went on refine and sharpen his hockey skills. The way he played hockey at national and international level, he came to be known across the world as the wizard or The Magician of Hockey for his superb ball control on the field.


Under the British Rule, Dhyan Chand led India in Olympic and the team won three consecutive Gold Medals at the Olympic Games in the year 1928, 1932, 1936 crushing the opponents by huge margin.


Every year in honor of the legendary player, 29th Aug, his birthday is celebrated as National Sports Day.


There are some interesting anecdotes from the life of Dhyan Chand that we will see as we look into how he came to know across the world as the wizard or the magician of hockey.


Can we learn a few tips from his success journey and apply it in our lives to accomplish what we truly desire?

Of course!

Let’s get started.


7 Enduring Tough Lessons from the Legendary Hockey Player Dhyan Chand On Creating History in Your Chosen Profession

1. Passion is the consequence of Mastery:

There is this wrong notion that one should wait to find his passion and then decide what he wants to do with his life.

Dhyan Chand discovered his love for hockey only when he joined the army and started playing the game. In fact, reports suggest that he loved wrestling before he joined the army.

Only after he had tried his hand at hockey it dawned on him that hockey is the one game that he wanted to play. He spent so many years practicing for hours and hours that during the match the ball refused to leave his hockey stick. Dhyan Chand found his identity in the game of hockey and eventually hockey became the passion of Dhyan Chand.


What valuable lesson can we learn from this?

Don’t just sit and wait for your passion to strike. Instead try out new things and see if you can excel at that. May be if you give it enough time, that thing will turn out to be your passion.

As you explore your talent and if you hit upon something that you can connect to and can excel at it, keep on doing more of that task. Find a coach to train you. Work diligently to develop your skill through deliberate practice and develop excellence at it.

Passion doesn’t mean that things will come easy or naturally to you.

Dhyan Chand advanced in the game and exhibited excellent hockey playing skills because he practiced hard and played with precision.


2. Don’t Give Yourself Excuses, Find a Way:

Playing hockey was not something that Dhyan Chand did in his leisure time or when he felt like playing. Once in his heart he knew that he wanted to play hockey, he found time or rather he made time to practice.

He could not play during his duty hours so he decided to play after his duty hours. When his fellow players relaxed and rested after their duty, Dhyan Chand would be out in the ground with his hockey stick. He played at night in moon light as at that time flood lights were not available. It was something he was connected to and wanted to do so he didn’t make any excuses.

If a profession or a task or a sport really matters to an individual, and if he is willing and dedicated, he will always find a way to practice. On the other hand, if it is only a wish, he will find excuses, he will blame others, blame the weather and sit at home.

In recent times, in the year 2021, the same devotion and dedication shown by Neeraj Chopra saw him create history by winning Gold Medal at Tokyo Olympic Games in javelin throw.


3. Know Your Field & Your Goal (Post):


Dhyan Chand had in depth knowledge of hockey. He identified and made himself acquainted with every single factor on the field that could either help him or stop him from scoring a goal.

His calculations on the field was so perfect and flawless that it made him and his team score goals like a batsman scores runs in a cricket match.

There’s a very interesting story behind his faultless calculations that will take you by surprise.

Once in a match he dribbled the ball towards the opponent’s goal post and hit the ball to score a goal. The ball instead of going in between the goalpost hit the goalpost and bounced back. He complained to the referee that the width of the goalpost was less than the standard. This was something nobody could fathom. When the width of the goal post was measured it was actually found to be smaller than the usual standard width.

Dhyan Chand practiced playing the game with such precision that he knew if he hit the ball from a certain point or at a certain angle on the ground it had to race into the goalpost and not hit the goalpost.


4. Maintain Your Cool Even in Adverse Situations:

No matter how bad the situation is, never lose your self-control. Just remain focused on the goal.

On the field, even under high pressure and stressful situations, Dhyan Chand remained as cool as a cucumber. He never lost his temper or allowed the situation to get out of control on the field.

His laser focus objective to win the Gold along with his balanced temperament facilitated him to sail through even in the most difficult situations.

Here’s an interesting incident from the field.

During a match a player from the opponent team got frustrated because how much ever he tried, he was not able to snatch the ball from Dhyan Chand’s hockey. He lost his cool and in anger hit Dhyan Chand with his hockey. Dhyan Chand had to leave the field. But soon he was back on the field after getting first aid treatment. He went to the player who had hit him and said something to the effect – no problem.

The entire game the opponent player was thinking that Dhyan Chand will take his revenge and he was cautious.

Dhyan Chand did take his revenge by hitting multiple goals and winning the match.

In another incident, when teams usually try to save the match in the last few minutes of the game, Dhyan Chand was so aggressive and absorbed on winning that he hit three quick goals in the last four minutes of the match.

When you are in the zone, even four minutes are enough to build upon your success.

Just Amazing!


5. Bring Together a Team of Well Qualified Players and Have Faith in Them to Perform:

When you don’t show trust on your team members to perform, either they are not talented and capable enough or you are selfish and want to take the full credit.

Hockey is a team sport. Even if he scored the maximum goals, one player cannot take the full credit for a win or take the blame for a loss.

Dhyan Chand had full faith in his team members.

He believed in the capabilities of the players in his team. He knew that when an opportunity strikes to hit a goal they will hit a goal.

There is an interesting incident that occurred in a game which cements the fact about the faith Dhyan Chand showed on his team players.

Once during a match, as Dhyan Chand raced towards the opponent’s goal post with the ball, he saw that his team member was in better position to hit the goal. Dhyan Chand passed the ball to his fellow player and then turned and walked away with confidence that showed that another goal has been scored. He didn’t wait to see whether his fellow team player scored the goal or not. He was sure his fellow player will hit the goal. The team player also lived up to the expectations.


6. Don’t Give in. Learn to Improvise:


Why give in when you can improvise?


Improvisation: to use what you have and make, do, or manage something better without preparation.  It is also making something up on the spot, or figuring it out as you go, in order to achieve the desired result.


The year was 1936. The event was Berlin Olympic Games. India was playing against Germany in the finals. During half time India was leading 1-0. After the half time Dhyan Chand entered the ground bare foot and India went on to beat Germany 8-1 and brought home the Gold medal.


7. Always Be Truthful and Honest Towards Your Profession/Game:


Twice during international tournament, the authorities doubted the hockey stick of Dhyan Chand.

The doubt arose because as the authorities watched Dhyan Chand play they found that once he had the ball with him, no opposition player was able to take it away from him. The ball remained stuck to his hockey stick as he dribbled the ball all around the ground. The ball left his hockey stick only when he passed it on.

In Netherlands, the match was stopped and Dhyan Chand’s hockey was broken to check if there was some kind of magnet hidden inside his hockey because of which the ball remained glued to his hockey stick.

During another match against Japan, again Dhyan Chand’s hockey stick was checked to see if some kind of gum was attached to his hockey.

Of course, there was no truth to any of these allegations.

Dhyan Chand is believed to have said that he had never cheated nor will he ever cheat in his game. The mastery he had accomplished was due to his rigorous hard work and practice.


In Conclusion

In his entire career Dhyan Chand scored 400 plus goals. In fact, the legendary batsman Sir Don Bradman once remarked, Dhyan Chand scores goals the same way he scores runs in cricket match.

Such was his mastery and control on the ball that it is said that once a lady gave him a stick or her umbrella and asked Dhyan Chand to play with it. Her argument was that if you are the magician of hockey, you should be able to play with any stick, not just hockey sticks.

Dhyan Chand took up the challenge and played quite well, even scoring few goals.

According to the players who played alongside him, Dhyan Chand was a team player. He was known for passing the ball whenever he saw a teammate at a better position to score.

In 1936 Berlin Olympics, after India defeated Germany in front of Adolf Hitler, the German dictator offered Dhyanchand a high position in German Army and citizenship of Germany. But Dhyanchand politely declined the offer for the love of his country – India.

Born on 29th Aug 1905 and died on 3 Dec 1979, Dhyan Chand spent 74 years on this planet putting India on the world map in the game of hockey.

Lately, Khel Ratna award has been renamed after Major Dhyanchand as ‘Major Dhyanchand Khel Ratna Award.’



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