6 Steps On How to Become a Witty Meme Writer that You Can Start Following Today
After reading How to Become a Witty Meme Writer you should be able to start practicing and coming out with real funny memes.
So, let’s get started.
Everybody loves to read a witty meme published on social media. It tells the harsh reality of life but in a humorous manner making people laugh or bring a smile to their faces.
If you are on this page then let me presume that you not only love to consume humorous memes, but also you are looking at exploring your talent or developing your skills to make people laugh consuming your meme.
In short, you want to become a Memer! A social media content creator who wants to make people laugh through memes.
Example Meme Pic
In this blog, in just a moment, I am going to share few tips, six to be precise, that I have followed over the years to develop my sense of humor.
Now, when memes are a rage, I am using that developed sense of humor of mine to create funny memes that can make my audience laugh, smile, and love my content.
If you would like to be successful at creating witty memes, I highly recommend that the steps that I am going to discuss below, you make it your lifestyle.
That’s right! Make it a part of your daily routine.
Don’t think that you will do this for a couple of months and you will become a witty meme writer.
No Sir! No Madam!
You need to integrate these steps into your daily routine in such a way that it becomes a part of who you are.
Even today I follow these steps and I started this way before social media was invented.
Success and failure too are the result of what we do and practice in our daily routine.
If you are ready, let’s straight DIVE IN
Here are the steps that you need to follow to Become a Witty Meme Writer:
1. Read Humorous Novels:
Reading good novels can altogether open up a new world in your mind. If you want to become witty and develop your funny bone, then I highly recommend that you hunt for some really good humorous novels.
I have developed my subtle sense of humor by reading novels of P.G. Wodehouse in my early days.
2. Watch Comedy Movies:
I am sure you must be loving watching a good comedy movie and would have watched many. But this time when you watch a comedy movie watch it not just for entertainment but for studying the use of comedy in the movie to tell a story.
Pay attention to the dialogues said by the characters. Which dialogues made the audience laugh out loud? Which lines amused you the most? Keep a track of this.
After the movie, sit all alone and recreate the scene in your mind. Maybe you can write down the funny one-liners mouthed by the characters.
3. Watch sitcoms on TV or on YouTube or on any other social media:
Sitcoms are basically situational comedies put together to form about a half an hour episode. They are filled with punch lines that will make you laugh till you burst your sides laughing, literally.
There are tons of sitcoms available online. Search for it and watch it again and again. Sit with a pen and a notepad. You can even create a special dedicated note for noting down all the funny lines and situations that you come across as you watch the episode.
Warning: Don’t depend on your brain to remember what you have just seen. Your brain will very comfortably forget everything as you get involved in other daily activities.
S0, Pen it Down!
Don’t get carried away by the episode. As soon as you hear something funny, pause the video and write that down in your diary or note. Force yourself to get into this habit, you will thank yourself for this and maybe me too for suggesting you the same.
4. Be Aware of What Makes You Laugh and Smile:
In our day-to-day living, we come across many situations or we find ourselves involved in many situations that are hilarious. Keep your eyes and ears open. Observe objectively what is happening around you. Try to figure out the funny side of the situation.
If in your circle someone cracks a funny line that made you laugh try to figure out what was it in the line and situation that made everybody laugh?
5. Follow witty meme pages on social media:
Again, there are many meme pages on social media platforms in almost every language. Just search for them and like them so that you start receiving the memes on your timeline whenever they post a new one.
Read their post and see if you can connect with them. See how many reactions that meme has received. If there are any comments, read as many comments as you can. This will tell you what people thought about that particular meme. You will also understand what kinds of memes are liked by people. Make a comment related to the meme on that post. If people like your comment you will get thumbs up. This will build confidence in you.
6. Practice Writing Your Own Memes:
There is no end to watching and reading other people's memes and reacting or commenting on them. You need to make this your practice that you do on a daily basis.
The next step is to start writing your very own memes.
Here’s where things start to get hard. This is a test for your mind to come up with your own content.
Don’t get disheartened if you are writing boring and useless stuff in the beginning. Do not judge your thoughts. Just put it on paper.
You don’t have to show this to anyone. It’s for you to see what comes out of your system.
This is a very powerful process where you are getting the boring stuff out of your system.
I call it mental cleansing for people who want to become awesome content creators.
You must have read about ‘Sagar Manthan’ where the sea was churned to get Amrit. Do you remember what came out first?
Initially what will come out of your system will be poison in the form of mediocre and boring memes.
No sweat!
Just keep going!
You will not believe during my early days, I have written hundred plus answers to one single question to come out with the best ten answers that I could use. This again is a great exercise to find diamonds in coal.
Coming to our point, just write – keep on penning your meme thoughts on paper. Be alert and whenever something comes to your mind that can be converted into a meme, just pen it down.
Soon you will find that you have started to come up with something that you are happy with. It might not be something great but your hard work has started to bear fruits.
Create a meme and test it on your friends and family. Watch their reaction and see how you can say the same though in a much better and more fun way.
It’s a continuous and never-ending process.
So finally, we have come to the end of the six steps that you need to develop in order to become a witty meme writer.
In Conclusion
I trust you have gained some value after reading this blog.
The above points are not the only points that you need to follow to learn How to Become a Witty Meme Writer. They are not complete in themselves, but they sure will give you a head start on your journey to become a meme writer.
Do let me know in the comments section if you come up with other ways to become a witty meme writer. People reading this blog and the comments will surely appreciate your advice, and that includes me too. I too would like to hear your opinions and suggestions.
One more thing before I sign off.
As I said above, make these points a part of your daily routine, a part of your lifestyle and you will be on a path to become a witty meme writer.
All the Very Best!
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