Job Interview Tips & Skills for first time job seekers by Rakesh Prasad

Job Interview Tips & Skills for first time job seekers by Rakesh Prasad. Get trained in : How to face interview for freshers. How to prepare for group discussion for placements, self-introduction for a job interview. Embrace Simple yet Effective Techniques to crack your dream job interview.


Wednesday, December 15, 2021

How Can I Say 'No' When I Have Already Said 'Yes'?


Can I say No Once I Have Said Yes to a Commitment?

 Ways to say 'No' after Commitment

The answer is yes. Yes, you can go back on your commitment even though you had committed to it earlier. But there is a way to do it. You can simply not do what you said you will do or not show up even though you said you will come.


In this short blog, I will share with you a few decent and tactful ways to go back on your commitment. This should not hurt the person to whom you had committed keeping your relationship intact with them.


So, let’s get started.

 How Do You Say No After Commitment?

If you cannot honor the commitment, it is better to say it in person rather than sending a WhatsApp message or using any other medium to text. If you text, you may feel that you have done your duty but unknowingly you would have done harm to your relationship. You would have hurt the feelings of the person by not having the courtesy to meet in person or call and inform.


If you cannot take out time to meet in person, at least make a call. Having a one-to-one conversation will be appreciated by the person.


Here is one way you can inform your inability to live up to your commitment:


‘Regarding the commitment I gave you a few days back. I couldn’t meet you in person, so I thought it would be better to call you and inform…’


Then you can go ahead and explain why you will not be able to stick to the commitment.


This will put you in a positive light and the person will have a feeling that you had given the whole thing thought and then you called to inform.


The second way you can walk back on your commitment is by saying:


‘I am finding it difficult to keep up with the promise I made to you.’


Then you can go ahead and explain a bit what’s happening and why you are facing difficulties doing what you promised to do.


‘I am so sorry, something has come up at the last moment. I will not be able to follow through on what I said.’


Explain the reason if you can to support your statement and then you can say:

‘I hope you will understand’

These were a few ways wherein you could tell someone 'No'  after you say 'Yes'.

Finally, be genuine in your reasoning. Even though they will not know but you will know that you did not do the right thing by giving up on what you should have done. Learn to convey sincerity through your tone of voice and the choice of words when you have to decline a commitment after you have made it.


In Conclusion

Having discussed the various statements, you can make to tell the person in a graceful manner why you cannot follow up on your commitment or stick to your commitment, I would like to warn you of the dangers of overusing it or using it in your workplace with your colleagues, boss or your clients.


In personal life, if you overuse it with your friends, colleagues, acquaintances, a time will come when they will take for granted that it was no use asking for any commitment from you because you were going to call back later and give a reason why you will not be able to stick to your commitment.


This habit of yours will alienate you from your circle of friends.


In the workplace, your colleagues will think if you cannot do what you commit why are you even doing a job? The job requires commitment from an individual and doing everything possible to see the task through.


So, if you don’t want to magnify the situation think twice before committing or ask them for time to think before saying yes to something.


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