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Tuesday, January 18, 2022

[Revealed] Learn to Practice Speaking in English All By Yourself Today that Will Speed Up Your Everyday English Speaking Skills Tomorrow


Now Learn to Practice Speaking in English All By Yourself that Will Speed Up Your Everyday English Speaking Skills Tomorrow

 Sometimes change in perspective is what is required to learn a new thing.

The worldwide web is filled with blogs and videos on the topic of learning how to speak in English. They lay out a step-by-step process that an individual can follow to get going in English.

Some of the steps they cover are –read English newspapers or books, start learning new words, develop new vocabulary. Yet not everyone can sustain those steps and develop their English conversational skills.

It’s not that the steps are flawed.

Then why is it so?

One of the biggest challenges people face while learning to speak in English is that they don’t have anyone to speak English with. They don’t have anyone to practice speaking in English with.

Even if they are surrounded by people with whom they can practice, they still don’t do it.


They think that they will speak only when they become perfect at speaking in the language. This never happens.

You become perfect by speaking and not by waiting to become perfect.

The result is that whatever English they have practiced, the new words that they have learned are forgotten by the mind and they give up after a few days or a couple of weeks.

If an individual is frightened to speak in English just because he thinks he is not ready, can he ever learn to converse in the language?

If an individual wants someone to practice but doesn’t have anyone to speak to in English can he never learn to speak in the language?

Can’t anything be done about it?

How can one overcome this hurdle?

There has to be a way!!

How? How? How?

This is what we are going to discuss in this blog.

So, keep reading.

The technique that I am going to share with you in this blog is something that I have been practicing for a very long time. After going through this process you will surely not feel all alone while learning to speak in English. Neither will you feel nervous because you will not be talking t someone as of now which is your preparation time.

Are you ready?

Let’s get started!

The other best alternative to having someone to practice with is to learn to talk to yourself. And no, I am not referring to standing in front of the mirror and talking to yourself. This can surely help you to some extent and you can club it with what I am going to discuss here.

When I say learn to talk to yourself, what I am suggesting is to put your conversation on paper – write it down.

Create a personal diary or a journal, or even if it is just a piece of paper, make it your friend. Write on it as though you are having a conversation with it. Don’t worry about writing wrong English or not knowing the spelling of a word. Remember, the diary is your best friend and it’s not going to judge you for your wrong English. Just talk to it with your writing.

Even if you don’t have anything to write, still you should be able to write a small paragraph.

Here’s an example that you can enter in your journal:

‘Today I don’t have anything to say to you, but still, I have to talk to you. You know the reason – I have to learn to speak English. So, today I will talk to you about the three new words that I have learned. The first word is…’

And you can continue to complete your conversation.

I hope you got the idea. Let not having anything to say be an excuse to not talk to your diary. Create something.

The second thing that I follow to practice my English speaking, and you too can do is subscribe to a website newsletter that shoots one email every morning. I have subscribed to the ‘daily stoic’ newsletter and every day I receive one email in my inbox. It’s as though the author, Ryan Holiday is talking to me through the message.

This is what I do every day:

Every morning I open the message and the first thing that I do is read it. Not once, but twice. It’s a short message so it takes not more than a few minutes.

I give myself some time to think over the message and then read it for the third time to see if I have understood the message properly.

Then I take my diary and write down the important quotes or certain lines from the message that I want to revisit in the future. The lines are not just sentences but philosophies that I can connect with and derive benefit from.

As I write, I read out each word or phrase once again. What happens in the process is that I have read the message at least four times. And through the message, I pick up new words, some powerful vocabulary, and learn sentence formation.

It feels as though the author is talking to me and I am taking good notes.

Then you can go back to the first step and get into a conversation with your diary and explain in writing what the email taught you. This will be in your own words and sentences. Try using the new vocabulary that you picked up from the message.

Once you put this process into practice you will notice that you have forgotten about not having someone to practice your English with. You will not be waiting to become perfect in English before you think of participating in a conversation. Instead, you will start becoming positive towards speaking in conversational English.

How will it impact you?

The next time you come in contact with someone and you have to have a conversation with that person in English, you will be confident and ready to have a good conversation.

In Conclusion

One thing I have learned from life when it comes to doing anything is to convert the whole activity into a step-by-step process.

A process is never easy, it requires work. But it makes things simple. It gives us control. This applies to learning English too.

Hope you will follow this process or create your own that will work for you and fulfill your dream of having a conversation in English.

If you have enjoyed reading this blog and it made sense to you, it simply means that I have been practicing the process well that I just shared with you. If not then one day I will get better at it by continuing to practice.




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