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Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Learn from Our Vedas - The First Step to Becoming Rich in Any Field is to Understand this...


The First Step to Becoming Rich is to Know this Basic Thing


Not everybody wants to be super rich but everybody wants to earn enough money so that they can lead a comfortable lifestyle.


Whatever amount of money you desire to earn, you should know how to attract and earn that amount.


I keep on reading a lot of books on various topics that help me understand and navigate various aspects of my day-to-day life.


Recently I came across a book on How to be Rich that caught my attention. After reading the book I came to know that there are gems hidden in our century-old traditions and rituals mentioned in Vedas and Puranas that has the power to enhance our lives in the twenty-first century. If only we can develop our capability to decode the messages and interpret it in context with the modern era.

 On page 3 of the book, the author says – ‘Symbols are like pots and meaning is like water…look for meaning within the symbols of Vedas and Puranas, we can learn many things about money and how to be rich.’


Did you know that wealth should be seen as a fruit that should be enjoyed in the present and it should also be seen as a seed that should be invested for the future?


In total there are 12 lessons from Vedas and Puranas offered in this book. In this blog, I will share with you one lesson from the book.


The book I am referring to is: ‘How to Become Rich: 12 Lessons I learnt from Vedic and Puranic Stories’ written by Devdutt Pattanaik.


Through the narrative, the author offers an interesting concept that provides a unique perspective on our age-old tradition of doing yagna and other rituals.


It’s not just a lesson but a pearl of wisdom that I believe will resonate with you as you travel on a path to becoming rich.


Read the blog with an open mind and the idea of creating wealth or being rich will take hold. You can then start working on it and start building your wealth.


Being rich is a relative term and for each individual being rich has a different meaning depending on how much money they want to earn.


The one wisdom from the book that I share here can be used to earn money as and when you require it. So, whether you want to earn a few thousand or in lacs, the system of earning money remains the same.


Following this lesson, you will see Lakshmi (money) coming your way.


So, why wait? Let’s get started this very instant.


Becoming rich is not always about knowing all the answers. Most often, it is also about asking the right questions and then finding the right answer to that question.


One of the most fundamental steps to becoming rich is to ask this simple question:


How am I earning money?

Or for those who are going to start working or start a career, ask:

How am I going to earn money?


Seriously, if you don’t know how you are earning money or how you are going to earn money in the future, you will never have money.


Interestingly, if you don’t know how you earn money, you will never know how to earn more. As a result, you will be stuck in the rat race and never become rich.


Once you know that you are going to earn money by offering a product that you have or a service that you are good at then you are ready to participate in yagna.


The author says we earn our livelihood by participating in yagna or exchange.


This is how he explains the yagna:


The people offering products or services are potential yajamanas. Before the yagna or exchange he, the yajamana does a sankalpthis is what I am going to offer. After the yagna he does Phalastutithis is the fruit that I expect.


After the sankalp, the yajamana summons the Devata or the client. If the client is not satisfied with the offering, he does not satisfy the wishes of the Yajamana and rejects the product or service, thus not paying him. On the other hand, if the Yajamana feels the Devata or client is not offering him what he wants, the Yajamana bids farewell to the Devata and seeks other Devatas. In this case, the products or services being offered are highly-priced.


This is the beginning stage.


Over a period of time through your consistent hard work when you become an expert in your field or create a product that is desired by one and all, then you take the form of a Devta, who is chased by the Yajaman. This time the Yajaman is willingly offering you his money in return for your product or service. Once you reach this state, you first accept the money and then offer your services or products. As a result, Lakshmi (money) starts flowing towards you in abundance.


It’s worth repeating - If you are just starting your career, you are like a Yajaman, seeking the Devtas for your services and products.


Both, the Devata and the Yajamana must be sensitive towards the hunger that in turn can be translated as requirements or demands of each other. Only when that sensitivity is present in today’s world the yagna or exchange will be fruitful.


Here’s an Actionable for You as a Yajamana to Do:


1. Make a list of all the products or goods that you can offer to your friends, company, society or to the marketplace as a whole for which the market is willing to pay you money.


2. Make a list of all the services/skills that you can offer to the market for which the market is willing to pay you money.


Don’t be in a hurry to complete the list. You have to actually know yourself to answer the above two questions. Write as many answers as you can. Once I did a similar kind of exercise and came up with eighty-seven answers to one single question.


From the point of view of money or Lakshmi, no product or service is superior and no product or service is inferior. It is just that different services have different costs. But the fact of the matter is that all services earn us Lakshmi. For example, being a successful teacher will not earn you a high salary compared to a successful Business Consultant, even though both are service providers.


It is up to you to decide whether you will be offering a product or a service to the marketplace. That’s the beginning.


In Conclusion


The crux of the lesson is that if we are looking to earn money, we must be sensitive to the hunger of our customers who may be our future employers or people who will buy our products or services. Once we understand their hunger or demands we can offer them the goods and services they want. In exchange, they will give us what we desire.


Ignoring to think or work on the needs and demands of our customers may lead us to unemployment and poverty. This will harm our goal to become rich.

If you are curious to know more just check out this book online. The title is - How to Become Rich: 12 Lessons I learnt from Vedic and Puranic Stories’ by Devdutt Pattanaik.



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