Job Interview Tips & Skills for first time job seekers by Rakesh Prasad

Job Interview Tips & Skills for first time job seekers by Rakesh Prasad. Get trained in : How to face interview for freshers. How to prepare for group discussion for placements, self-introduction for a job interview. Embrace Simple yet Effective Techniques to crack your dream job interview.


Tuesday, August 23, 2022

3 Out of the Box Questions that an Interviewer Can Ask a First-Time Job Seeker in a Job Interview.


3 Out of the Box Questions that an Interviewer Can Ask a First-Time Job Seeker in a Job Interview.

[#3 Will Catch you Off Guard]

Attending a first-time job interview can be a daunting task for any candidate.


The candidate, after three years or even five years of college education, is looking forward to taking on the professional world, starting his career and fulfilling his dreams.

And the first thing he has to do is crack the job interview.

Some colleges offer training to students seeking jobs. They train them on various aspects of a job interview and help them get placed.

Still, there are many students who don’t know what it takes to crack a job interview.

Now, as a first-time job seeker please understand this - a job interview is a process. 

We will not go into that in this blog as the topic of discussion is not the job interview process.

Here we will assume that the candidate is attending the HR round of one of the job interviews where he has to sit in front of the interviewer and give his interview.

If you are a candidate preparing for the job interview then I recommend that you write these 3 job interview questions in your diary and answer them in your own words. If you get stuck you can look up some sample answers on the internet.

But ultimately the answer has to be your own. This is not a written exam that you can copy-paste and pass. The interviewer will know whether you are being genuine or repeating the internet answer.

So, give in some quality time to prepare your answers. After all, it is your life that is going to be impacted.


Here Are the 3 Out of Box Questions that an Interviewer Can Ask a First-Time Job Seeker


Question 1:

If right now I called your HOD (Head of Department) and asked about you, what would he/she say about you?


This is a very tricky question.


Not many candidates prepare answers to this question. The reason being they are not aware of what questions to prepare for.


In college, most students stay far away from their HOD's even avoiding the path the HOD takes.


If you are still studying in college and reading this, I have good news for you.


Go and meet your HOD and ask her/him this question: What is your impression of me as a student?


Listen to the answer and take good notes.


Later re-read the answer and ask yourself:

Am I satisfied with this answer? If someone calls and asks my HOD about me and she gives this answer, how impressed will that person be? How can I create a better impression on my faculties and HOD as a student?


Write down the actionable and start working on them.


Question 2:


Why did you choose to study <your



This interview question is so very basic that most of the candidates can’t even imagine that they can be asked this question.


They have to talk in the interview so they come up with many weak reasons why they chose to study the subject.


Some of them can be...


Family pressure, best friend was taking the same subject; I like the subject, lots of scopes...


While a strong answer can impress the interviewer, a weak answer can get you rejected.


Seek the answer to this question and prepare it thoroughly.


Finally, here's the one question that will catch you off guard, make you speechless and bring out all kinds of negative emotions inside you...


Question 3:


Why do you want to join this company?


Now, for most candidates this question can stump them, making them go silent for a while.


They might not understand what kind of question is this or what’s the purpose of this question.


They might be thinking in their mind:


"You gave an advertisement for a job opening and I need a job that's why I am applying for a job in your company."


But the interviewer using this googly question wants to check how serious are you to work in this organization.




It's in the interest of the candidate that he should research the organization before going for a job interview. He should understand why this company is fit for him and also why he is fit and qualified to work for the company.


This way he will be able to answer the question.


In Conclusion


This was what I wanted to share with you in this blog.


I hope you will be well prepared with these three out-of-the-box job interview questions the next time you go for a job interview.


Here’s a very important tip for first-time job seekers:


Remember this. You may also want to write it down.


There is no syllabus for the job interview questions. This makes the ground open for the interviewer to ask you any kind of questions based on your Resume and related to the job that you are applying for.


The best way to prepare for a job interview is to practice answering as many interview questions as you can and becoming better at it.


Here’s one final thing I would like to share before I wrap up my blog:


If you would like to receive exclusive content related to Job Interview Process and Personal Development then you should consider joining my Facebook Group.


In my leisure time I do a lot of research on various topics, read an array of books, attend webinars and keep on developing my knowledge and skills.


I then distil and document the contents that are valuable to my audience related to a particular domain, in this case, cracking the job interviews.


This rich and relevant content I share with only my select audience on my Facebook Group.


I invite you to join my Group so that you too can benefit from the knowledge.


Here's the link to join:


See you inside of my group.


And all the very best at cracking your job interview!


Get Hired in your Dream Job!



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