How to Be Rich
Actionable from RICH DAD POOR DAD that can make you Rich
You must have read one of the most popular books on personal finance - Rich Dad Poor Dad, by Robert Kiyosaki.
Have you put the learnings into clear cut Actions that can be followed over a period of time?
If not then I have designed sixteen actionable that you can instantly start applying to become rich.
These sixteen Actionable are based on the first chapter of the book Rich Dad Poor Dad - The Rich Don't Work for Money.
These actionable will get you started on the path of building a wealthy lifestyle for yourself.
So, here are the sixteen actionable to get you started -
Rich Dad Poor Dad is Robert's story of growing up with two dads — his real father and the father of his best friend, his rich dad — and the ways in which both men shaped his thoughts about money and investing. The book explodes the myth that you need to earn a high income to be rich and explains the difference between working for money and having your money work for you.
Have you put the learnings into clear cut Actions that can be followed over a period of time?
If not then I have designed sixteen actionable that you can instantly start applying to become rich.
These sixteen Actionable are based on the first chapter of the book Rich Dad Poor Dad - The Rich Don't Work for Money.
These actionable will get you started on the path of building a wealthy lifestyle for yourself.
So, here are the sixteen actionable to get you started -
The RICH DAD POOR DAD Secret: The Simple Everyday Money Logic to Grow Rich Sure for Young & Old Starting Today
1. Never ask 'How to be rich' advice from a poor person. His advice will also be poor.
2. If you want to Be Rich get into action, do something which might not be perfect. At least give it a start, you can keep modifying and taking corrective actions on the way.
3. Change your thoughts:- Just because a person has a huge car and a huge bungalow doesn't mean that the person is rich.
4. Learn to take quick decisions in your day to day living. This will give you lots of practice to brush up your decision-making skills. Remember, if you can't make up your mind decisively, then you will never learn to make money anyway.
5. If you want to teach anybody anything, do not get into lecture giving mode. Use practical ways by putting that person in real situations based on what you want to teach that person. Remember, nobody wants to be taught but everyone is ready to learn. So don't teach, make them learn.
6. When you feel something is not going right in your life, wake up and take stock. Life is wanting you to listen to it.
7. You are responsible for whatever is happening in your life. Do not play the blame game.
8. Never try to change others, change yourself. The tragedy of life is that even God might not be able to change you, but you have the full power to change yourself. So focus on changing yourself.
9. Always strive to make your money work for you and generate more money. Remember, The poor and middle class work for money, the rich have money work for them. Treat money as your employees and whenever you think you have excess put them to work through investments.
10. Having more money will never solve the problem of poverty. Most people who are given more money, only get into more debt. So never say if you had more money you would be happy.
11. If you want to learn about money don't let the fear of not having enough money right now be your primary emotion. Remember, even if you have more money, Yeh Dil Mange More...
12. People around us are not poor because they don't have enough money, they are poor because they lack financial education. Can you take up the cause of teaching at least two people to be rich after you have gone through the entire book and are on the path of becoming wealthy?
13. When you have enough money in your bank don't let your desires take over you and your family. Before you buy anything that you desire ask yourself:- What will happen to my life if I don't buy this product?
If there is not going to be a major difference then you don't need that product.
14. Don't let your emotions do the thinking for you, you need to do your own thinking. Next time whenever you find yourself thinking, ask yourself - am I doing the thinking or is my emotion doing the thinking on my behalf?
15. We are learning to master the power of money and not to be afraid of it. Whenever you hold cash or cheque in your hand ask yourself - how can I become the master of this money?
16. You will become entrepreneurs in real sense when your business generates money for you even when you are not there. This is when your money is working for you. It's a long way to go but remember to take those baby steps that will lead to your financial freedom.
In Conclusion
After going through the above list of actionable you may want to add your own learnings from chapter one to this list. Go ahead and do it. Also, if you can share those actionable in the comment section below, it will help the readers to increase their list and work on it.
Be Awesome when it comes to dealing with money!
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