Job Interview Tips & Skills for first time job seekers by Rakesh Prasad

Job Interview Tips & Skills for first time job seekers by Rakesh Prasad. Get trained in : How to face interview for freshers. How to prepare for group discussion for placements, self-introduction for a job interview. Embrace Simple yet Effective Techniques to crack your dream job interview.


Friday, October 19, 2018

Why Salespeople Fail? | Why am I failing at Sales?

Have you ever wondered - why salespeople fail? Or, why am I failing in sales?

If you are in sales and not performing well then you need to ask yourself one very powerful question. 

In this blog I touch on that one powerful question.

Let me begin with one interview I had with a candidate who aspired to be a Salesperson.

During an interview with a candidate for the post of Sales Executive, I asked him what did he understand by Sales?

He replied: Sales is meeting customer, telling her about how great your product is and then convincing her to buy your product.

I asked, ' If she says the price is too high then what will you do?'

He replied that he will tell his boss and try to convince him that the price of the product was too high and if he could offer a discount then the customer will buy.

With this attitude, these people enter the profession of Sales and no wonder they start failing.

They blame the product, the price, their boss, their short they blame everybody except themselves.

Not even once they look inside them and ask - " What am I doing wrong and how can I take corrective actions?"

This is one of the BIGGEST REASON why salespeople fail in the sales profession.


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