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Tuesday, December 18, 2018

1st Time Investor? Here's 3 Ways to Start Investing

1st Time Investor? Here's 3 Ways to Start Investing

1st Time Investor? Here's 3 Ways to Start Investing

Beginners Guide to Making Money Work for You

We as individuals can work an only a certain number of hours each day and only for a limited number of years in our entire life.

But money is a tool that has been designed in such a way that it can even work when we are not working. It works when we are sleeping, it works when we are on vacation, whether we are working or not, money keeps on working round the clock.

So, if we want to attain true Financial Freedom, we need to learn the Science of Making Money Work for Us even when we are not working for whatever reasons.

Simply put, making money work for you means your money is earning interest or profit for you.

Here are 3 tools that you can use to start your journey towards creating a life where you don’t have to work for money.

            1.    RECURRING DEPOSIT


It’s a particular kind of Term Deposit offered by banks in India. In recurring deposit, you can deposit a fixed amount of money every month on a predefined fixed date into your Recurring Deposit Account. The banks in return give you interest at the rate applicable to Fixed Deposits. If you want to put your money in RD you need to open a Recurring Deposit Account with the bank. You can give standing instructions to the bank to debit your savings account every month and put that money in your RD account.

This scheme is good for individuals who have a regular income. They can either be salaried or earn a certain fixed amount every month. If you are a student and are saving a certain amount every month from your pocket money then you too can open a Recurring Deposit Account.

The rate of interest you earn on your Recurring Deposit may vary from bank to bank. Kindly do your research to find out which bank is offering the best rate of interest.

One advantage with Recurring Deposit is that you can open a Recurring Deposit account for as low as One Thousand Rupees or maybe even Five Hundred Rupees. Please check with your bank for details.


Fixed Deposit or FD as it is popularly known, is an instrument offered by Banks and NBFCs. If you put your money in FDs you are on your way to start your journey as an investor. The Bank will give you a higher rate of interest than what you get in your regular savings account. But you will have to wait till the maturity date. Yes, there is a lock-in period in FD.

So, when you open an FD account they will ask you the period for which you want to create the FD account. Based on that they will tell you the amount you will receive on maturity.

If you already have a savings account in the bank, there is no need for you to open a separate account for FD.

One drawback of FD compared to Recurring Deposit discussed above is that in FD you need to have a big amount in hand to invest, for you to earn a reasonably good interest. It's a fixed one-time investment and that also for a fixed period. Maybe that's why its called a Fixed Deposit.

The rate of interest for both, Recurring Deposit and Fixed Deposit is the same. Senior Citizens (above 60 years of age) are offered an additional interest rate on their investments.

1.     MUTUAL FUND (MF):

Those who don't have a huge amount to play the share market, Mutual Fund is a great way to be a part of stock market action. It's also a great way to start making money work for you.

Mutual Fund pools money from many investors and invests it in share market. Mutual Funds are professionally managed funds. Each fund has a dedicated and experienced Fund Manager who manages the collected fund and tries to maximize the profits.

Say you are a salaried person. You can spare as low as 1000 Rupees every month. Using this spare money you can become an investor. Mutual Fund offers an investment option where you can invest a fixed amount every month. This is called a SIP or a Systematic Investment Plan. Every month your money is used to buy certain units of the Mutual Fund based on the prevailing NAV (Net Asset Value). Just as in Share Market you have Share Price, in Mutual Fund you have NAV. The units will be credited to your account and you can watch it grow month after month.

A mutual fund is a slow and steady way of creating wealth. It's always a long-term game. The long-term can be as long as 15 years and above. So, if you are looking at a get rich quick method them Mutual Fund is surely not for you.

Mutual funds have advantages as well as disadvantages compared to direct investment in the share market. I advise you to have a one on one conversation with a Financial Advisor. He will be able to guide you and help you start in Mutual Fund Investments.

In Conclusion

The tools you can use to make your money work for you are evolving at a rapid pace in today’s market scenario. The above is not a complete list. There are various other ways also to put your money to work.
What I have given above is something a beginner, a novice who has no experience or little experience of making his money work, can use it and start getting the feel of how money can work for him.
Learning to make money work for you is a slow process that can gain momentum as you become experienced by practicing the art of making money work for you.

Here’s what you need to practice –
(a)                      Create a financial goal
(b)                     Put the money to work for you
(c)                      Enjoy the process
(d)                     Make it a habit

One day you should not be surprised when you find out that your money is making you more money than you make working on a job.
That will be the day when you will attain the real Financial Freedom.


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