Job Interview Tips & Skills for first time job seekers by Rakesh Prasad

Job Interview Tips & Skills for first time job seekers by Rakesh Prasad. Get trained in : How to face interview for freshers. How to prepare for group discussion for placements, self-introduction for a job interview. Embrace Simple yet Effective Techniques to crack your dream job interview.


Thursday, December 13, 2018

How to Have Competitive Edge Over Your Market

Rakesh Prasad - How to Have Competitive Edge Over Your Market
Continuous Learning is the Secret to Moving Ahead in Life

How To Have Competitive Edge Over Your Market

Hello entrepreneurs, I am Rakesh Prasad. I have been and entrepreneur and an entrepreneurial coach. In my journey as an entrepreneur I have learnt a lot from my failures than my success. 

In the entrepreneurial journey it is important to learn from both -- Your Success and your failure. Never let success go to your head and never let failure make you give up on your Venture.
In today's blog I would like to talk about -- How to Have Competitive Edge Over Your Market?

Let me begin by ask you a question. -- would like to really attain that winning edge over your competitors?

Every body wants it, right? But how many of us achieve it? Not many and maybe you are one of them struggling to be a step ahead of your competitors

Even though everybody wants to excel in business and life why are they not able to achieve the kind of success that they think they deserve?

The one critical reason that I can think of is -- The 'I Know it All' Syndrome.

I have talked to hundreds of entrepreneurs across various industries. When it comes to learning do you know what most of them say? 

You guessed it right -- I know it all man. I don't need to learn! Nobody can teach me how to run my own business.

This single attitude of theirs keeps on pulling the entrepreneurs and their business down year after year...and the entrepreneur thinks that business is down either because of competition or recession or government regulations.

Dear entrepreneurs, whatever is happening outside, we cannot change it -- you cannot change government regulations, you cannot stop your competitors to sell the same product at a cheaper rate, you cannot control the volatile market.

The one thing that you can take control of is your learning

Here is what I do and I strongly recommend you should also do - 

"Whenever there is a challenge that affects your business or your life ask yourself -- What new skill can I learn to overcome this hurdle and become successful?"

Once you identify that skill, go ahead and master it. Pick a book, enrol for a seminar, do everything in your capacity to gain that new skill. Once you do that I assure you, instantly you will start having that competitive edge over your market.

In Conclusion 

If you can take one lesson from this blog on entrepreneurship it should be this -- 

"your success in life and your capacity to earn is directly related to your willingness to learn."

Before you expand your business you need to expand your mind.

That is the secret to Peak Performance!

I have committed myself to learn each day. What is your commitment to learn today?

Thank you for reading my blog. I will talk to you soon on yet another topic of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship

Until then, Make a Great Life!


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