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Sunday, December 9, 2018

Secret to a Happy and Healthy Life After 70

Secret to Happy and Healthy Life beyond 70

The Secret to a Happy and Healthy Life after 70

72 is not the age to die, 72 is the age to do!

To Live a Healthy Life beyond 70 you have to build a healthy lifestyle today. The seed you sow today will decide the health of your life after 70. 

You can make an excuse today and pay the price tomorrow or you can pay the cost today to reap the benefit tomorrow.

Ask yourself what does your health card say?

If it says things not in favour of you immediately take action to correct it. Never postpone your health matters at any cost.

Today just as people buy ration for the week or month, they also buy medicines for the week or month.

Let me give you an example - 

A relative came to stay with us for sometime, and the first thing they brought out of their purse/bag was a bundle of medicines.

These medicines are replacing the daily diet of people. They may not spend so much on nutritious food but they have to spend on medicines because if they don't do their life might be in trouble.

I have seen money flow out of people's purse in hospitals but outside people terrorise and torture themselves by starving and doing things that their body cannot tolerate, just to save few rupees in their purse.

Here are few guidelines that we can follow to remain Hapoy and Healtht till we are alive on this planet -

1. Never save money at the cost of your health

2. Retire from your job but not from work. Ensure that you keep on working till the time your last moment comes

3. Never be alone, always keep meeting people who are happy and share happy thoughts. 

4. Never think negative. Do not let negative thoughts come in your mind.

5. Make exercise or any physical training your daily routine either at a gym or a exercise club. Keep your body weight in control as per your height. Do not leave things to chance

6. Always keep looking out for Nutritious foods and spend money on them so that your body gets foods that are rich in Nutrients and Minerals. Never say these re too expensive, I cannot afford it

It is easy to buy medicine but it is always difficult to buy nutritious food for oneself and for family. 

Tragedy of Life is that people will spend lacs of rupees in medical crises, when things go out of control but they will never ispend money on healthy food when you are in control of your health.

7. Just as you pay money for maintenance and check up of your vehicle or flat, pay money for quarterly/half yearly check up of your body health. Do not take things for granted. Things might not be the same that appear outside

8. Have Mediclaim in your name for a decent amount to take care of your Medical Bills in case of hospitalization.

9. Be Enthusiastic and have the passion to live life

10. Have interesting goals in life that will keep you excited and focused on achieving those goals

11. If you have a problem, or some good news share it. Do not think that if you share your problem you will appear weak

But refrain from sharing gossips and news that will depress others.

12. Enjoy your family and friends. Laugh with them, talk and discuss things with them

13. Take part in community activities. Volunteer to help in community service

14. Develop interesting Hobbies that will make you enjoy your waking hours. You can take up yoga or even learn to play a musical instrument. If you are adventurous you can even learn Bollywood Dancing.

15. Have an exciting reason to get up daily in the morning

In Conclusion

For every individual life has a different meaning. Who we become in the process of living our life depends entirely on us. We cannot blame others for our misery. It is our reaction to things happening around us that decides if we will lead a happy life or a miserable life.

The choice is entirely in our hands

And this is one of the Secrets of Living a Happy and Healthy Life into our sunset years.


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