Job Interview Tips & Skills for first time job seekers by Rakesh Prasad

Job Interview Tips & Skills for first time job seekers by Rakesh Prasad. Get trained in : How to face interview for freshers. How to prepare for group discussion for placements, self-introduction for a job interview. Embrace Simple yet Effective Techniques to crack your dream job interview.


Saturday, December 8, 2018

How Can I Get a Lot DONE IN A DAY?

How to stay focussed and get things done?

The Challenge :  "How to Get More Done in a Day"

One day as I went to meet one of my clients I found him very upset. When I enquired he complained how his team was doing silly mistakes in their daily tasks, that was resulting in overall confusion in the organisation. He was really angry not knowing what to do.

I met the team and asked their point of view. Why were such silly mistakes happening? The response was that they have too much on their mind during the day so while doing a particular task, their mind is already thinking about the other tasks that they have to complete.

The challenge was - 

Even though physically they were doing one task, mentally they were thinking about the next tasks that they had to complete.

There was complete loss of focus on the task at hand.

The Solution :

I designed a 6 step process for them and told them to follow it religiously whenever they take up any task. They followed the 6 step process and the small, small silly mistakes stopped happening.

The team realised that by following the 6 step process they were now in full control of the task at hand.

Their boss, appreciated and congratulated the team for taking the initiative and improving their performance.

Here is the 6 Step Process that they followed :

How to be in the present. 

Usually the biggest challenge people face while doing any job is that they may be working in the present but their mind is travelling either in the past or in the future.

How does one overcome this challenge? 

Be aware of the following steps as you pick up any task to do whether at your office or at home or anywhere else you might be working -

Step # 1 : 

Before you begin a task clear the clutter from your mind. Stop thinking about the hundred things that happened to you or all the tasks that you have to complete in the day.

You can achieve more by doing things one at a time rather than focussing on Multi tasks.

Showing others how busy you are by behaving in an erratic manner will never get your job done.

You have to be calm in your mind and put the job at hand on the top of your mind.

Then bring your mind into the present and ask :

Step # 2 :

What is the nature of the job that has been assigned to me?

What is the result or the outcome that is needed when the job is completed?

Once you know what result is required from the task in your hand,

Step # 3 : 

Focus on what all is required to complete the job at hand.

Is there a tool or some information that I require to effectively complete my job in hand?

Ask - What do I need to complete this job?

Once you get all the tools that you need for the job to be completed,

Step # 4 :

Focus on what you are doing.

Continuously keep your mind in the present and watch your actions as you go about completing your job.

Don't let distractions take away your concentration. You can do this by blocking their entry in to your mind.

If someone comes and disturbs you, take a pause from your work and attend to the person if it is really urgent or tell them to wait till you finish your job at hand.

Remember, it is your job and doing it well is your responsibility. Do not let others dictate your priorities and actions.

After you complete your job at hand,

Step # 5 :

Check the completed job to see if you have done all that is required for the result you want from the job.

It is important to take time to review what you have done because once it leaves your table you can do nothing about it, your mistakes will be revealed.

If the task is crucial get your colleague to review it after your revision.this way you become confident about the result of your task at hand.

Finally you are ready for 

Step # 6 :

Forward it to the person concerned in the next department for further processing.

In Conclusion 

Getting more done in a day is a process. You need to make the process work for you based on the personality you have.

Not everything can work for you. That doesn't mean that nothing can work for you and you keep on being non - productive.

Stand up to your daily tasks, pull up your socks, and roll your sleeves. It's time to be accountable and get to work.

This is how you can get a lot done in a day!


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