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Friday, March 5, 2021

Learn Vocabulary of Success to Master Your Communication | Building Your Vocabulary


The Vocabulary of Success Oriented Leaders

Oftentimes people get along in the world with the belief that whatever words they know is enough to achieve their dreams and aspirations. They do not know that they can enrich their lives just by enriching their vocabulary.

Words are like a mantra, the words you use creates an impact on your personality.

One of the ways to attract success and create a niche for yourself is to build your communication on powerful vocabulary.

Given below are 15 words that you should make a part of your vocabulary in order to raise yourself to leadership position.

These words can serve as a beginning to start building your bank of words.

So let’s get started and learn new words to improve your vocabulary.



Strengthen, support, toughen

Example Sentence:

(a) The Manager reinforced strict rules with a severe penalty in order to make his employees disciplined. 

(b) Upbringing and family values reinforce the belief of a child.



To raise to a higher degree, intensify

Example Sentence:

(a) One way to enhance your vocabulary is to read on a variety of topics.

(b) Practicing proper body language will enhance your personality.



To assist progress, make easier

Example Sentence:

(a) Social Media facilitates the movement of information in real-time.

(b) Having facts will facilitate the discussion on student performance.



To obtain or buy something

Example Sentence:

(a) It is very easy to acquire bad habits.

(b) He has acquired the reputation of a taskmaster.



To prevent, to turn away

Example Sentence:

(a) The alert cop narrowly averted a disaster with his presence of mind.

(b) While studying avert all your thoughts from any kind of distraction.



Not in use anymore

Example Sentence:

(a) Technology is making many jobs obsolete.

(b) If you don’t upgrade yourself you will become obsolete sooner than you think.



Capable of functioning

Example Sentence:

(a) Training is one way to enhance your functional capabilities.

(b) A man without functional capabilities will find it hard to get things done.



To bring under the condition of effective use

Example Sentence:

(a) We should know how to harness our hidden talent before it goes waste.

(b) The government is planning to harness the wind power to meet the electricity needs.



Capable of becoming, possible

Example Sentence:

(a) He has the potential to be a team leader.

(b) Most people don’t use their Smartphone to its full potential.


Judging the value of performance

Example Sentence:

(a) Performance appraisal is one of the key parameters of promotion in any organization.

(b) Your performance appraisal shows how valuable you are to your organization.



The mistaken notion, a wrong or inaccurate idea

Example Sentence:

(a) Misconception leads to false confidence.

(b) There is a misconception amongst many that you can achieve success without hard work.


To be grateful or thankful

Example Sentence:

(a) In order to build strong bonds we need to learn to appreciate others.

(b) If you are feeling down in life, appreciate someone and you will find that you feel better.



Purpose, goal, target

Example Sentence:

(a) A discussion without an objective becomes gossip.

(b) The objective of human life must be to become one’s best.



Importance, having a meaning

Example Sentence:

(a) Don’t attach any significance to rumors.

(b) For some people money has no significance.



To arrange according to a system

Example Sentence:

(a) We need to systematize the way we handle our personal accounts.

(b) It pays to systematize the way we approach a problem.


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