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Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Informal Email Phrases That Will Create Instant Connection and Feeling Every time


Top Tips Before You Write An Informal Email That Will Create Immediate Connection and Feeling Every Time

An informal, or unofficial, or casual email is written to people whom we know well. Like friends, family, and relatives.

An informal email allows us to open up with our friends and families and share our stories with them. We can write them in any language that we desire and even use words we are used to speaking.

The best thing about informal writing is that there are no hard and fast rules attached to it. This should not make us lazy at writing our friendly emails. We should not take things for granted just because it is an informal email and write a badly structured email.

Even though informal emails are casual and relaxed in language and structure, in this blog, we are going to look at a few basics of writing an informal email that will give your email clarity and ease of understanding.

Let’s get started!


Always use informal words and expressions.

A friendly email should sound friendly. You can make your friendly email sound friendly by using words that generate the emotions of friendliness.

For example, use ‘Hi...’ rather than ‘Dear...’.

Say, ‘How’s Life!’ instead of ‘How are you doing?’

‘Let’s catch up’ is friendlier than ‘Let’s meet.’


Reply to your friend’s email in a friendly way.


Don’t make your friendly email sound formal. Remember, you are writing to your friend. Make your language appear as though you are chatting with him.


Try using the following phrases. It will give your message a friendly look:


‘So good to hear from you.’

‘I’m sorry to hear that you were not keeping well.’

‘Congratulations on passing your exams!’

‘I would like to share a surprise with you.’


Don’t limit yourself. Let your creative juices flow and come out with interesting phrases you can begin your friendly email with.



Respond to all the questions asked or concern raised by your friend.


In a friendly email too you need to see if your friend has asked you a question or wants you to help him and respond accordingly. Leaving out any question unanswered can make you sound as though you do not show any concern.



Write in small paragraphs


Even in email Appearance Matters!

It’s like you looking at a person’s appearance. What does he look like?

Structuring your message provides an appearance to your email. When you structure your message in small paragraphs, it appears neat and clean and is also eye-pleasing.

Remember, before anybody reads your email, they see it with their eyes. If they find it hard on their eyes, they may postpone reading it or altogether not bother to read it.


In your email, talk about one message in one sentence. Whenever you talk about a new topic, change your paragraph. Say your points in short and simple sentences without dragging them into long and wordy paragraphs.


You may find this blog eye-pleasing because there are ample white spaces in between the small paragraphs.



Close your email or sign off on a positive note.


Always close your email with a positive phrase. This will add value to your email and will make your friend feel good.


You may use the following phrases or words:

Take Care!

Best Wishes!

Looking forward to meeting you.



Your well-wisher

Your caring friend

Your loving friend,


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