Job Interview Tips & Skills for first time job seekers by Rakesh Prasad

Job Interview Tips & Skills for first time job seekers by Rakesh Prasad. Get trained in : How to face interview for freshers. How to prepare for group discussion for placements, self-introduction for a job interview. Embrace Simple yet Effective Techniques to crack your dream job interview.


Sunday, December 26, 2021

11 Useful & Frequently Used English Idiom and Phrases for Competitive Exams MCQ that You Can Also Begin Using During Everyday Conversation Immediately | Exam Idioms


11 Useful & Frequently Used English Idiom and Phrases for Competitive Exams that You Can Also Use During Everyday Conversation Immediately

PHRASES for Day To Day Use

1. Hang in there: to continue doing something in a situation despite facing difficulties, opposition, or discouragement.

2. Bring home the bacon: to achieve success in something.

3. Bite the bullet: to accept that you have to do something that is unpleasant but at the same time necessary. 

4. Day in the Sun: it refers to a time when you are noticed and are appreciated in front of others.

5. Time on your hands: it refers to a time period when you have nothing to do; free time.

6. Wasn’t born yesterday: when someone says that he wasn’t born yesterday, it means that he is not stupid or naive.

7. Without a hitch: when something happens without any difficulty or goes off smoothly.

8. For a good cause: it means something is worth doing or giving as it will help other people.

9. For the sake of: doing something for a purpose or in order to achieve a result.

10. At face value: accepting what people say without giving it a thought even though it may not always be right.

11. At this rate: it is used to predict some outcome that is not desired if things continue as they are.

Now, it is time to test how well you have understood the above Idioms and Phrases.

Given below in the Quiz there are 20 sentences that we use in our day-to-day conversation. Pick up the RIGHT IDIOM/PHRASE that gives proper meaning to the sentence.

Can you take up the challenge?



Let's Get Started.

Taking this Ahead...

Trust you have picked up some interesting Idioms and Phrases that I am sure you will start using it in your daily conversations. 

It will not only make you sound like a native English speaker but also add color to your conversation by making it more interesting.


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