Job Interview Tips & Skills for first time job seekers by Rakesh Prasad

Job Interview Tips & Skills for first time job seekers by Rakesh Prasad. Get trained in : How to face interview for freshers. How to prepare for group discussion for placements, self-introduction for a job interview. Embrace Simple yet Effective Techniques to crack your dream job interview.


Saturday, January 1, 2022

3 BEST INTERVIEW BOOKS in 2022 TO Speed Up Your Slowing Career Plus GET YOU PREPARED FOR HR Round in a JOB INTERVIEW & Beat Competition Starting Today




A Job Interview is not a test of your knowledge, but your ability to use it at the right time.


He completed his studies and was ready for a job.

He applied for a job without preparation thinking that he knew it all.

During the interview, a question was asked, and suddenly he realized he didn’t know a thing.


A lot of question is asked on Quora related to the job interview. One of the questions recently asked, that I also answered, was - How do you make yourself confident during an interview?


What I have realized in life, when it comes to confidence, is that confidence comes from doing a task repeatedly without getting bored. 


The same is the case with developing confidence during a job interview. One needs to put in a lot of practice to sound natural and confident during a job interview.


Now, the question that arises is- Practice What?


And my answer is:


Practice Answering the Most Popular and Frequently Asked Questions in an Interview


In this blog, we are going to focus on just that.


I will be sharing with you 3 resources in the form of books that you can grab online to serve you as an interview coach and guide you in your practice as you get ready for your job interview. 


In the end, I will also be giving you a COUPON CODE that you can use to get a flat 10% discount and free shipping on your purchase of the books.





You may be wondering why do I need to know what a job interview is, to be able to crack the interview. The answer is knowing what a job interview can help you focus on your preparation.


Many a time the prospective candidate has just a vague idea of what a job interview is and so his preparation is also vague resulting in his rejection.


More than knowing the definition of a job interview, a candidate must understand and comprehend what a job interview is.


So, let’s get to understand it, shall we?


A job interview is a formal meeting conducted between a candidate, who wishes to join the organization, and a representative of the employer, to assess if a candidate is good enough to be hired.


It has a conversational format where the interviewer asks questions to the candidate to test his proficiency for the job. The quality of the answer given by the candidate helps the interviewer judge him and come to a decision whether to hire the candidate or reject him for someone better.


Also known as the HR round or a one-to-one job interview, it is mostly the final round of the interview process. It is one of the most useful tools in the hands of the recruiter to evaluate potential candidates. Therefore it becomes crucial for the candidate to prepare well if he has to secure the job that he has applied for.


And how the interview goes depends more on the prospective candidate rather than the interviewer.


As I mentioned above, in this blog, we are going to focus on gaining confidence during a job interview.


There is no syllabus related to the questions that can be asked by the interviewer. That is why one of the most effective ways to gain confidence is to be prepared to answer any kind of questions that can be raised by the interviewer. The candidate should not only be able to prepare for the questions that are there online or in the form of books but also should be able to anticipate questions based on his work profile.


Having said that now its time to introduce you to the three books on Job Interviews that we will be referring to are:




1. HR Interview Questions You’ll Most Likely Be Asked

2. INNOVATIVE Interview Questions You’ll Most Likely Be Asked

3. LEADERSHIP Interview Questions You’ll Most Likely Be Asked


The books are in the form of Questions and Answers. This helps the book to get directly to the point. These popular questions and answers will guide you in preparing for your job interview. Whether you are a fresher or an experienced professional who is looking to scale up your career, this book can help you perform well at the job interview if you are willing to work on these three books


I will be giving you a link where you can go and buy these books. I will also be sharing a special code that you can apply and get a flat 10% discount and free shipping.


Let’s get started and dive into the books.


The first book is:

HR Interview Questions 

You’ll Most Likely Be Asked

Book on Job Interview Important and Popular FAQs

There are a total of 15 chapters on different topics in this book. The topics that are covered are - Creativity, Leadership, Teamwork, Deadlines and Time Management, Dedications and Attitude, Personality, Decision Making, Goals, Creative Questions, Customer Service, Background and Experience, Business Skills and Knowledge, Communication, Job Searching and Scheduling, Knowledge of the Company.


Under each chapter, there are a large number of questions given that could be asked in your job interview. In addition, the author explains what the answer should be like. Finally, she also gives you an example of how your answer should sound.


What you as a candidate will like about these questions is that they will make you think at a higher level and try to identify a situation that you experienced in your present job. The hard thing is that you have to come out with your customized answers depending on the industry and department you are working in, in your present employment. The answers given in the books should be considered as a guideline and not something that you can copy-paste. Understand how the sentences are constructed, pick up the keywords from the answer and design your answers for each question that you are preparing. Remember, the answers should be suited to your situation and not the situation mentioned by the author.


If your knowledge of the English language is not up to the mark then you may have difficulty understanding certain terms and phrases used in the book and may have to take the help of an online dictionary to find the meaning. 


What I highly recommend is that if you don’t understand a word or a phrase from the question, look up the meaning and definition of the same before you write your answer. 


This exercise will be beneficial to you because you will then learn a lot of corporate jargon on the way.


“If your new job is your new destination then preparing the answers to the questions is the journey that will lead you to your destination. Learn to enjoy your journey.”


There are questions in the book that is for individuals who are freshers as well as experienced and seeking a job change. If you are a fresher, the chapter on ‘Personality’, ‘Decision Making’ is right for you, and for other chapters, you will have to rephrase the question and prepare the answer accordingly. This will be a good exercise for you to start thinking like an interviewer and understand what they might be looking for in a candidate.


The upside of this book is that For a fresher and someone new to the job field, going deep into the questions and discovering your own answers can teach you a lot about corporate culture and the kind of situations you may go through in your job. If you can comprehend the situations effectively, you will be prepared for the transition from College to Corporate.




The way to maximize from this book is to first go through the chapter titles and skim through the questions asked in each chapter. Then you can identify which chapters are relevant for your situation. You can then read the questions in each chapter and mark the questions that you think are relevant for your job interview. This way you will narrow down the questions and start writing your answers for the same.


It’s hard work. Let the hard work not deter you from achieving your goals.




The second book is:

Interview Questions 
You’ll Most Likely Be Asked

Innovative Interview Questions

As I read this book my mind is processing the content in a different light. Suddenly it hit me that this book is not just for people who are looking for a change in their job, it is a guide for professionals who need to learn how to maximize their work potential during their tenure in the designation that they hold. In short, how do you become a star performer in your current job?


That’s Right!


Even if you have cracked the job interview and have got the job, you need to have this book on your desk. The book has in total ten chapters that cover questions on - Leadership, Personality, Confidence, Character, Adaptiveness, Composure, Behavioural, Innovation, Problem Solving, and Job Competency.  


Each chapter has a variety of questions that will test whether you were proficient in that particular area. 


Let’s take an example question from the chapter ‘Confidence’: 


What character traits do you have that make you a great candidate for this position? Or, What skills or talents will you bring to the company if we hire you.


This is one of the key questions very popular with the job interviewers that will highly improve your chances of getting hired depending on how creatively you answer it. 


Oftentimes the candidate’s answer is - I will work very hard or I am very dedicated or something on these lines.


These answers are not what the interviewers are looking for. You need to have a professional answer, this is where this book will come in handy.


Now, if you are in the process of seeking a job then based on the guidance provided in the book, you can design a powerful answer and be prepared for your job interview.


If you are already in a job, still you need to ask the same question: What character traits do I have that make me a great candidate for this position?


Just because you are in a job doesn’t mean that you can lay back and relax. This is a tough question and you not only need to ask this to yourself but also work on your answer. If you don’t ask what makes you great for this position, you may stagnate in your career and someday someone better can come by and take your position. I’ve seen people getting fired through SMS.


That is the harsh reality of today’s dynamic and competitive job environment.


Let’s take another example and look at a question in the chapter on ‘Problem Solving’:


‘Creative projects are not finished until they are fully implemented. Have you ever had to use your creative skills to overcome obstacles when implementing projects?’


Here while working on your job, you can ask this question to yourself and if you have never faced such a situation or challenge, you can be on the lookout for such situations. 


Put yourself in a situation where you get the opportunity to test your creative skills and help the organization overcome obstacles.


If you are a fresher, look back and see if you have used your creativity in your college project or in your social life. The interviewer here wants to see if you can think creatively on the go.




Now and then you should be taking one question at a time and putting it to work for you. This way you will not only be building a strong career for yourself but also indirectly will be preparing for a better job opportunity if and when you decide to change your company.


Building a powerful career with a strong foundation doesn’t happen on its own. It requires hard work and proactiveness on the part of the individual. 


Let this book serve you as a guide in helping you move up towards the pinnacle of your success one question at a time. Use these 250 questions as a stepping stone to reach your peak.


All the best!



 The third book is:


Interview Questions 

You’ll Most Likely Be Asked

Leadership Interview Questions for Job Interview

This book is a gem for individuals who are looking to move up in their career to a Managerial or Management position or are seeking a more challenging position as a leader in the organization where they will be called upon to use their skills to lead a team and the organization in the marketplace.


The questions are designed by the author to test your skills and prove to the interviewer that you are the RIGHT CANDIDATE for the job. You can be tested in the following ten attributes: Competency, Behavioural, Opinion, Situational Credential Verification, Experience Verification, Strategic Thinking, Character and Ethics, Management Style, Communication.


Let’s take an example question from the chapter ‘Strategic Thinking’: 


What steps do you employ to resolve conflicts in the workplace?


To answer this question you as a candidate must have gone through this situation in your previous job. 

You cannot say something like - I don’t remember or I have never faced any conflict of interest in my workplace.


This is why it is important to keep a notebook or a Professional Journal of insights where you note down whatever experiences you have during your day-to-day performance in your job. These experiences, whether good or bad, are goldmines. If you can capture them they will build your character as a leader because then you will be well prepared to face similar challenges in your new job.


Once again the author lays down the guidelines that will help you prepare your answer. As a leader, you are also required to have a good command of your vocabulary. You need to develop a bank of power words to express your ideas and thoughts. The answers presented in the chapters will also introduce you to some powerful words that you can employ to present your answers.


Likewise, many powerful questions in the book will help you look at your present job from a different perspective. Pick out as many questions as you can and prepare honest answers. This will give you a bigger picture of where you stand in your career right now. And will also help you chalk out your career plans.




When you read this book on Leadership Interview Questions it may inspire you to become proactive and maybe even do your very own self-analysis every quarter to see how you have progressed in your career in your current job. 


Take time out to answer as many questions as you can because each question will take you on an internal journey where you can have a personal interview with yourself.


Take charge and get excited to explore your talents. 


 Taking this forward… 




To purchase the ABOVE books online you can click the WEBSITE LINK below and it will take you to the page from where you can order your books.



To avail of a discount of 10% and free shipping.


Here’s the website link:


If you want to check out the best books for the technical job interview question series you can click on the link below:





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