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Tuesday, February 22, 2022

8 Success Philosophy to Fire You Up in Life


8 Powerful Success Philosophies You Can Begin to Use Starting Today to Fire You Up in Life to the Next Level

Philosophy is Love of Wisdom.


More than anything else Philosophy is an attitude that acts as a guiding principle for our behaviour.


When we indulge in an activity of reading a philosophical quote, we seek to understand the primordial truths about ourselves in connection with the world in which we live and function.


Philosophical Quotes on Success work as catalysts. The success quotes we read or come across in our lives can bring about impactful transformation in our behaviour and turn around our lives for the better. It can open doors and windows of our minds to capture opportunities that failed to see or could not understand.


There must be at least one philosophical quote that you may have read or heard that echoes once in a while in your mind during a time of crisis. Philosophies that guide us in our actions during tough times. They provide us with an out of the ordinary viewpoint to look at a problem or a challenge. In the absence of these philosophies, we may see a problem as just a problem. But under the influence of certain quotes, the problems may start appearing to us as opportunities that we can make use of to create something amazing. It may light up a path we can take to resolve the issues at hand in an effective manner.


I had heard a long time back that if you have to understand the topsy-turvy world, sometimes you have to stand on your head and look at it. We need not do that if we have the maturity to seek out a piece of good philosophical advice. 

What I believe is these Philosophical Quotations present us with a new perspective of looking at the ever-changing dynamic world without standing on our heads trying to see things.

These quotes and philosophies are willing to help us if we are willing to give our ears to them listening patiently.

The question is – Are we willing to look at it with a deeper understanding, connecting it with the daily happenings around us?

 Are you willing?

Here are 8 PHILOSOPHICAL QUOTES. It is based on the people – including me -  that I have observed over the years. Learnt from them. If you have always wanted to bring about a profound change in yourself then I believe some of the quotes below will resonate with you and help you get started.




‘What you do after you read a book on personal or business development is key to your long-term success. If you can’t do anything then you very well get someone else to do it for you.’



"Listening is not 'doing' and doing is not 'listening'. Are you ‘doing’ or are you happy just ‘listening’?"



‘Your goals will become wishful thinking if you don’t work on them NOW!’


‘You can spend all the money on learning but if you don’t spend time on doing what you have learnt, unknowingly you are wasting both money and time.’



‘Learning everything and doing nothing is Curse of Knowledge.’



‘Having Unique Ability is like having a plant. Having it is not enough. You have to nurture it with water and manure for it to flourish. At the same time, it (your Unique Ability) should also make you money, loads of it.’



‘You have attended a seminar and now you have clarity about how to run your organization or how to achieve success. Now, what will you do? Here’s the second question – what are you doing with it right now?’



‘What you are doing now and not what you will do someday will decide what you will get in life.’


In Conclusion

When you are uncertain seek a quote relevant to your situation. Allow it to guide you. Convert it into actionable and implement it. By working under the guidance of that philosophy you may bring a bit of certainty to the uncertainty you are seeking and the tasks you want to achieve.


What other philosophical quotes do you adhere to, to guide you in your daily struggles or challenges? Do share it in the comment section so that we all can benefit from the wisdom of the wise.


Talk to you again in the next blog.





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