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Tuesday, March 7, 2023

SYNONYMS: 51 Objective English MCQ Questions & Answers

[Quick English Lesson Tip] Update Your Synonym Knowledge With 50 Multiple Choice Questions [MCQ] on Synonyms for All Types of Competitive Exams With Solutions 


What is a synonym? 

A synonym is a word that has the same or almost the same meaning of the given word in the same language. 


Why you should learn synonyms? 

In today’s world it has become important to have accuracy and effectiveness in our communication. This applies to written and verbal communication.  

Having a vague idea of words is not enough. This can cause you to say something but mean something else. 

You must develop the ability to differentiate one word from the other even though they are synonyms. And at the same time, you must know when to use which word to create maximum impact. 


Here are 10 benefits of learning synonyms: 

1. It enhances your writing quality. 

2. It enriches your conversation. 

3. You learn better words to express your feelings in a better way. 

4. It allows us to convey what exactly are we thinking and trying to say. 

5. Learning synonyms means developing bigger vocabulary. 

6. It helps our listeners visualize and better understand our point of view.


7. It makes your writing much easier to read without saying the words repeatedly. 

8. It makes your communication more vivid and lifelike. 

9. It helps you find the correct words to send your message across in an effective manner. 

10. It improves your proficiency and command over that language. 


50 Sentences to test your SYNONYMS IN ENGLISH 

Let us find out using synonyms MCQ 

In each of the following questions there is an underlined word. You are given four alternatives. Choose the one that you believe has the closest meaning to the underlined word. 

These synonyms practice questions will also help you prepare for your competitive exams. 

The Answers to the below Questions are Given in the End. 


How to attempt the MCQs: 

Take a piece of paper or a note book and write the correct option according to you. After you complete you can check with the correct options provided at the end. 

Are you READY? 

Let us get started right away. 


1. I need tangible proof to believe what you are saying. 

A. Sensible         B. Good         C. Concrete         D. Untouchable 


2. I had to curtail my holidays because of a new deadline set by my boss. 

A. Lessen         B. increase         C. Extend         D. Loosen up 


3. The value of land here has appreciated after the highway was built. 

A. Diluted         B. Crashed         C. Decreased         D. Increased 


4. He is so particular that he cannot stand even a small mistake. 

A. Sit         B. Tolerate         C. Admire         D. Bring 


5. Do not get enticed by get rich quick schemes. 

A. Teased         B. Prepared         C. Tempted         D. Repelled 


6. Her pony tail was yanked by her friend making her scream. 

A. Jerk         B. Dragged         C. Lifted         D. Pressed 


7. Rohit Lal is a savvy professional. 

A. Sensible         B. Sharp-witted         C. Dumb         D. Greedy 


8. This college is quite heterogeneous with students coming from across the country to study. 

A. Uniform         B. Unvarying         C. Confusing         D. Diverse 


9. Having a casual attitude towards life will not help you eventually. 

A. Practical         B. Boring         C. Relaxed         D. Tough 


10. She became absorbed in her studies, oblivious to the passage of time. 

A. Aware         B. Suspecting         C. Unmindful         D. Concerned 


11. Indian women cricket team has shown some outstanding performance on the field. 

A. Stellar         B. Mediocre         C. So - So         D. Lackluster 


12. Productive habits were ingrained in her in her early days of growing up. 

A. Removed         B. Instilled         C. Lost         D. Destined 


13. The project was not able to take off for the want of adequate funds. 

A. Excessive         B. Compulsory         C. Required         D. Sufficient 


14. He was ousted from the team for the reasons unknown. 

A. Projected         B. Pushed         C. Expelled         D. Awarded 


15. The News Anchor gave a graphic description of the event. 

A. Vivid         B. Boring         C. Vague         D. Hazy 


16. His resentment against the decision was quite clear from his behavior. 

A. Displeasure         B. Excitement         C. Love         D. Idea 


17. The water level of the river rose drastically causing alarm in the village. 

A. Faultily         B. Excessively         C. Slowly         D. Suddenly 


18. Most people are tantalized with the possibility of get rich quick scheme. 

A. Joyful         B. Impressed         C. Pleased         D. Lured 


19. His affluence was a dream for many. 

A. Salary         B. Fortune         C. Poverty         D. Style 


20. He is being deluded with false hopes and promises. 

A. Entertained         B. Guided         C. Misled         D. Inspired 


21. The slump in demand caused the market to crash. 

A. Fall heavily         B. Rise slowly         C. Soar         D. Skyrocket 


22. Is it possible to eradicate corruption? 

A. Build         B. Uproot         C. Condemn         D. Surprise 


23. It was a crass comment to pass by him when the going was tough for her. 

A. Witty         B. Intelligent         C. Happy         D. Insensitive 


24. The Principal of the college told the students that the college will start precisely at 9:05 AM. 

A. Exactly         B. Approximately         C. Accurately         D. Unsure 


25. The business you are planning to start can be risky. 

A. Profitable         B. Glamorous         C. Dicey         D. Expensive 


26. After a month he has reverted to his old habits. 

A. Go back         B. Go forward         C. Evolved         D. Bounced 


27. Success comes from hobnobbing with the rich and successful. 

A. Enjoying         B. Chatting         C. Rub shoulders         D. Reading 


28. In today’s world it is important to comprehend what is happening around us. 

A. Misinterpret         B. Grasp         C. Enjoy         D. Summarize 


29. Initially, he did not admit his mistake. 

A. Withdraw         B. Realize         C. Expect         D. Accept 


30. Be particularly fastidious about washing your hands before eating your food with hand. 

A. Meticulous         B. Lazy         C. Casual         D. Inquiring 


31. Students who neglected to pay the fees on time had to pay a fine. 

A. Refused         B. Realized         C. Failed         D. Promised 


32. Today we need to be ingenious to thrive in this dynamic world. 

A. Innovative         B. Uninventive         C. Cynical         D. Hard working 


33. A reliable friend is hard to be found. 

A. Partying         B. Helping         C. Dependable         D. Loving 


34. The police assured the people of the society to catch the thief at the earliest. 

A. Worried         B. Discouraged         C. Warned         D. Promised 


35. She enthralled her friends with her singing. 

A. Repelled         B. Captivated         C. Shocked         D. Bored 


36. At the outset the assignment seemed simple, but then it started getting complicated. 

A. Period         B. Conclusion         C. Beginning         D. Last 


37. We all marveled at what he had achieved at college. 

A. Awed         B. Confused         C. Anger         D. Disgusted 


38. The industrious young man rose high in his career within two years in the organization.  

A. Realistic         B. Diligent         C. Punctual         D. Lazy 


39. Nowadays you can see people flaunting their wealthy lifestyle on social media. 

A. Masking         B. Concealing         C. Hiding         D. Showing off 


40. Money can bring happiness and joy in life is a fallacy. 

A. Fact         B. Suggestion         C. Deception         D. Truth 


41. His hunger for success made him work long hours. 

A. Joy          B. Desire         C. Greed         D. Liking 


42. I am quite content with the way we were treated at the restaurant. 

A. Ignorant         B. Curious         C. Harsh         D. Pleased 


43. Today we have different modes of travel that can save us a lot of time. 

A. Ways         B. Things         C. Roads         D. Cities 


44. The accolade that he received was because of his hard work and top-class performance. 

A. Criticism         B. Chocolate         C. Recognition         D. Blame 


45. It is important that we learn to husband our natural resources. 

A. Rule         B. Manage         C. Misuse         D. Destroy 


46. In today’s job market IT is a lucrative career option. 

A. High-paying         B. Tough         C. Boring         D. Poorly paid 


47. He was diligent in his preparation for his dream job. 

A. Casual           B. Confused         C. Idle         D. Hard working 


48. Being discreet has become important in today’s world. 

A. Cautious         B. Rash         C. Bold         D. Uncaring  


49. He is the most credible person when it comes to discussing Newton’s Law of Motion. 

A. Ignorant         B. Fake         C. Basic         D. Reliable 


50. The movie tells an incredible story of a man’s journey from rags to riches. 

A. Likely          B. Miraculous          C. Real          D. Sound 


51. If you keep yourself busy in mundane jobs you will never be able to achieve your goals. 

A. Fantastic          B. Unusual          C. Worldly          D. Exciting 


So, How Did You Perform?

You can check your performance by comparing your answers to the answers given below. 





1. (C) Concrete           2. (A) Lessen           3. (D) Increased

4. (B) Tolerate           5. (C) Tempted           6. (A) Jerk

7. (B) Sharp-witted      8. (D) Diverse           9. (C) Relaxed

10. (C) Unmindful          11. (A) Stellar           12. (B) Instilled

13. (D) Sufficient          14. (C) Expelled       15. (A) Vivid

16. (A) Displeasure          17. (B) Excessively          18. (D) Lured

19. (B) Fortune               20. (C) Misled              21. (A) Fall heavily

22. (B) Uproot             23. (D) Insensitive          24. (A) Exactly

25. (C) Dicey               26. (A) Go back               27. (C) Rub Shoulders

28. (B) Grasp               29. (D) Accept               30. (A) Meticulous

31. (C) Failed               32. (A) Innovative          33. (C) Dependable

34. (D) Promised      35. (B) Captivated          36. (C) Beginning

37. (A) Awed               38. (B) Diligent               39. (D) Showing off

40. (C) Deception      41. (B) Desire                   42. (D) Pleased

43. (A) Ways           44. (C) Recognition             45. (B) Manage

46. (A) High-paying  47. (D) Hard working 48. (A) Cautious

49. (D) Reliable           50. (B) Miraculous      51. (C) Worldly











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