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Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Can You Become Lucky? Life Lessons in Creating Luck Anywhere, Anytime from the book - 13 Steps to Bloody Good Luck by Ashwin Sanghi



13 Steps to BLOODY GOOD LUCK, Written by Ashwin Sanghi

How to create your own good luck
13 Steps to Bloody Good Luck 

Have you ever pondered over these questions:

Q1. Can luck be developed?

Q2. Can one train oneself to be lucky?

Q3. Can we create appropriate system to harvest opportunities?

And finally,

Q4. What is the point of working hard or developing one's skills if all boils down to luck?

If such questions have been disturbing you then the lessons that I share in this blog from the book - 13 Steps to Bloody Good Luck, written by Ashwin Sanghi will give a clear picture on the subject of luck. And how you can take actions that will enable you to emefge lucky almost every time.

Read along as we dive into one of the most fascinating topics in history called LUCK!

Ways to Create Luck
This is how you create luck

1. If you want to harvest good luck do 3 things -- Learn to raise the number of opportunities coming your way, Learn to recognize these opportunities better, and Learn to better respond to these recognised opportunities.

2. Destiny is not a matter of chance, it's a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.

3. Luck is not about chance, it's about the human ability to spot opportunities and make the most out of them. So, if you think you were lucky, it may have been that unknowingly you may have done something right to have got that result.

4. Luck hates loneliness. It's almost impossible to be lucky alone. Tips and offers reach us via networks, competitors included.

5. Your own luck depends on other people's luck. It's crazy.

6. Opportunities flow through a network. We are much more interconnected than we care to imagine.

7. Lucky people are open to novel opportunities and are willing to try things outside of their usual experiences. They are more likely to pick up a book on an unfamiliar subject, to travel to unfamiliar destinations and to interact with people who are different than themselves.

8. A simple act of changing the race we are running often produces dramatically better results, but it requires openess to try new things.

9. Expose yourself to new experiences, activities and ideas. Lucky people are lucky because they expose themselves to more opportunities by being willing to do new things. They are willing to work outside their comfort zones.

10. The luckiest people haven't lived their lives in a straight line but in a zigzag. It's a mistake to get stuck in one track. You've got to be ready to jump off in a new direction when you see something good.

11. What sets lucky people apart is that they can distinguish between a dip and a dead end.

What is bloody good luck?

12. Failure doesn't mean you have failed. It just means you have not yet succeeded.

13. Sometimes good luck comes in the form of unpleasant experiences. One may call it 'Good Luck in Disguise'.

14. Stay calm while continuing to be alert. This allows us to spot opportunities when they arise.

15. Good luck is all around us, but we are often unable to recognize it because it could appear in disguise and we are not alert to this fact.

16. The sad truth is that lost opportunities are better recognised when they are leaving rather than when they are coming.

17. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck. This is called the Dalai Lama Factor. A great example is the career path of late APJ Abdul Kalam.

18. Lucky people seem to create an alternative support system - faith, prayer, hobbies, meditation, friends - to tide over their bad phases and are thus able to use such periods to the best of their abilities.

19. Lucky people take advantage of chance occurrences that come their way. Instead of going through life on cruise control, they pay attention to what's happening around them and therefore, are able to extract greater value from each situation.

20. Successful people are almost never able to pinpoint what it was that made them so. Success just happens, really. So talking about how to become successful is a waste of time...

21. Lucky people notice things. They hang on to ideas. They absorb stuff. They're curious about things that catch their attention.

22. The channel is unimportant, but staying informed and absorbing ideas seems to be one of the traits of lucky people.

23. Lucky people are not only nice - polite, humble and considerate - but are also intuitevely aware of the power of karma. They understand that the greater the positive deeds they put out in the universe, the better the chances of them attracting good luck.

24. Keeping one's ego in check and having one's feet firmly planted on the ground are fundamental requirements for opportunities to flow.

25. Being nice not only results in positive word of mouth, it also ensures that someone else's door remains open for you in future. This is what leads to Good Luck!

26. Lucky people seek ways to get paid for their passion.

27. Ma Lakshmi (wealth) without Ma Saraswati (knowledge) is always a problem. Shri Ganesh, the ultimate symbol of good luck is always shown seated between Ma Lakshmi and Ma Saraswati. The presence of both is vital for good luck to happen.

28. Lucky people identify opportunities by 'Connecting the Dots'.

29. Lucky people leverage preparation, planning, prioritisation and potential. By doing so they increase their ability to create opportunities or react and respond to them.

30.  It is often joked that the world is a stage and most of us are desperately unrehearsed. Imagine how the odds of our success could improve if we were rehearsed?

31. Being lucky is not determined by the heavens but by our ability to raise opportunities, recognise them, and respond to them.

If you loved these gems of wisdom and the thoughts resonated with you, then you will find even more gems as you dive deep into the book -- '13 Steps to Bloody Good Luck' by Ashwin Sanghi.

As the saying goes - LUCK is "Labour Under Correct Knowledge". 

Creating Luck for ourselves is a choice we all have but only a few make use of this choice.

Will you be one of them?


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