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Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Middle Class Mentality or a Millionaire Mindset? Take a Quick Quiz on '80% Mindset 20% Skills' book


Middle Class Mentality or a Millionaire Mindset?

Take The '80% MINDSET 20% SKILLS' Quiz Right Now & Determine Your Understanding 

Millionaire Mindset. Life Transformation in 9 Days
80% Mindset 20% Skills 

Have you read the book '80% Mindset 20% Skills' by Dev Gadhvi?

If yes, I have a quiz for you based on the above book.

Even if you have not read the book, still go ahead and take the test. This will give you an idea about how you think when it comes to working towards achieving your goals and becoming super successful.

There will be 21 questions in total. Each question will have four options. You will have to choose the best option for that particular question.

I have created the questions randomly based on the contents of the book.

Once you have completed the quiz, you can check the answers given at the end of the quiz.

And remember, 


If you have scored 90% or more (which is 19 or more than 19 questions out of 21) then what it means is that you have not only comprehend the concepts from the book but also are using it in your daily lives or are ready to implement it to reach your success pinnacle. 💯😎👍👏💰

So, are you ready?

Take a paper and pen to write your correct answers.

Let's set the ball rolling...

The '80% MINDSET 20% SKILLS' Quiz

Q1. Successful people have one thing in common, and that is _________________.

A. They have decided not to do anything stupid
B. They have decided not to do anything bold
C. They have decided not to do anything risky
D. They have decided not to do anything average

Q2. Get to the top because _________________.

A. It is the bottom that is overcrowded
B. There is tough competition at the top
C. You have read this book
D. Everybody is doing it

Q3. The author says, 'Trust me, the view from top is ______________.'

A. Beautiful
B. Panoramic
C. Worth burning midnight candles
D. Worth increasing your electricity bill

Q4. If you can ________________ you are in business.

A. Raise enough money
B. Get a partner
C. Get a bank loan
D. Solve someone's problem

Q5. By exchanging his time for money, a rich person  __________________.

A. Can become super rich
B. Can have more time
C. Cannot become super rich
D. None

Q6. We all have been gifted with some abilities that can be _____________, and they will help us build our legacy.

A. Mastered
B. Useful
C. Discovered
D. Asked

Q7. There is a chemical called _____________ that is released in our brains when we help someone.

A. Penicillin
B. Dopamine
C. Endorphins
D. Adrenaline 

Q8. To truly find out purpose we need to have 

A. Enough time to sit and ponder
B. Enough friends to talk to
C. Keen curiosity in other people's lives 
D. Keen observation of things that we love it

Q9. Which of the following is middle class mentality?

A. I will borrow money if needed to invest in self learning
B. I will only use what is available for free
C. It's not a cost, it's an investment
D. Self-learning will help me dominate my space

Q10. Who said, 'Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.'?

A. Henry Ford
B. Napoleon Bonaparte
C. Napoleon Hill
D. Napoleon Dynamite

Q11. It's only the ______________ mind that can imagine, dream, and force people to do things beyond the ordinary and make them legendary.

A. Ordinary
B. Unstoppable
C. Procrastinating
D. Unsteady

Q12. To conquer the world that you seek you need to have - 

A. Mindset
B. Skills
C. Both A & B
D. None

Q13. What does 'Average Joe' mean?

A. It's a name given to Joe who is average
B. It's an average thinking disease
C. It's an average earning salary
D. It's an average of Joe's salary

Q14. According to the author, most of us have to ask friends to refer us for a job. Why?

A. Because it's easy to get a job
B. Because we can work together 
C. Because our friends owe it to us
D. Because most of us are average performers

Q15. The author was woken up by 'The 10X Rule'. Who is the author of 'The 10X Rule'?

A. Grant Cardone
B. Bill Gates
C. Donald Trump
D. Tony Robbins

Q16. The 3 Step formula to Become Unstoppable is -

A. Rationalization, Transformation, Smooth Sailing
B. Realistic, Time bound, Superiority
C. Realisation, Transformation, Sustainability
D. Regularisation, Truthfulness, Socialization 

Q17. Average Mindset is a ______________ formula.

A. Failing
B. Success
C. Moving forward
D. Happiness 

Q18. 'I know nothing comes easy in life.' is said by a/an  ______________.

A. Loser
B. Comforter
C. Averagers
D. Unstoppable 

Q19. Grant Cardone said, 'Treat your success as your - '.

A. Duty
B. Obligation
C. Responsibility
D. All the above

Q20. According to the author, why should you invest a lot on self-training?

A. No Government can tax your intelligence
B. Only investment that will give you guaranteed multifold returns irrespective of the state of the economy.
C. Both A & B
D. So that you can collect many diplomas and certificates 

Q21. Why do people remain average and always complain that life is not easy?
A. They are afraid of spending money on self-education
B. They don't believe in their dreams
C. They feel ita a waste of time to read books and attend seminars
D. All the above

Finally, we come to the end of the quiz. Did you enjoy taking it?  

The higher you scored the higher is your inclination towards Millionaire Mindset. All you have to do now is to start taking action in the right direction. 

And if you are already taking action keep up the practice and keep on improving on it.

All the very best!!!

Share your thoughts and suggestions.


You can check your answers here:

Q1. Successful people have one thing in common, and that is _________________.

D. They have decided not to do anything average

Q2. Get to the top because _________________.

A. It is the bottom that is overcrowded

Q3. The author says, 'Trust me, the view from top is ______________.'

C. Worth burning midnight candles

Q4. If you can ________________ , you are in business.

D. Solve someone's problem

Q5. By exchanging his time for money, a rich person __________________.

C. Cannot become super rich

Q6. We all have been gifted with some abilities that can be _____________, and they will help us build our legacy.

A. Mastered

Q7. There is a chemical called _____________ that is released in our brains when we help someone.

B. Dopamine

Q8. To truly find out purpose we need to have

D. Keen observation of things that we love

Q9. Which of the following is middle class mentality?

B. I will only use what is available for free

Q10. Who said, 'Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.'?

C. Napoleon Hill

Q11. It's only the ______________ mind that can imagine, dream, and force people to do things beyond the ordinary and make them legendary.

B. Unstoppable

Q12. To conquer the world that you seek you need to have - 

C. Both A & B

A. Mindset
B. Skills

Q13. What does 'Average Joe' mean?

B. It's an average thinking disease

Q14. According to the author, most of us have to ask friends to refer us for a job. Why?

D. Because most of us are average performers

Q15. The author was woken up by 'The 10X Rule'. Who is the author of 'The 10X Rule'?

A. Grant Cardone

Q16. The 3 Step formula to Become Unstoppable is -

C. Realisation, Transformation, Sustainability

Q17. Average Mindset is a ______________ formula.

A. Failing

Q18. 'I know nothing comes easy in life.' is said by a /an ______________.

D. Unstoppable 

Q19. Grant Cardone said, 'Treat your success as your - '.

D. All the above

A. Duty
B. Obligation
C. Responsibility

Q20. According to the author, why should you invest a lot on self-training?

C. Both A & B

A. No Government can tax your intelligence
B. Only investment that will give you guaranteed multifold returns irrespective of the state of the economy.

Q21. Why do people remain average and always complain that life is not easy?

D. All the above

A. They are afraid of spending money on self-education
B. They don't believe in their dreams
C. They feel ita a waste of time to read books and attend seminars


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