How Well Do You Understand a Job Interview?
In order to crack the job interview it is important that the candidate understands what is a job interview.
Of many things, Job Interview is also a conversation between the interviewer and the interviewee (the candidate). This conversation can lead to a healthy discussion based on what the company desires in a candidate and what the candidate brings to the table.
Here the candidate has shown his interest in the job advertised by the company and has applied for it.
The company assumes that before applying for the job the candidate has gone through the requirements as asked by the company in the advertisement.
Once the candidate sees that he fulfills the requirements of the company, he sends his latest Resume to the company and asks for a one to one interview with the representative of the company.
The company srutinizes the Resume and if it finds that the candidate fulfills the requirements as mentioned by him in the Resume, the candidate is called for an interview.
When the company representative and the candidate sit for the job interview, both the interviewer and the interviewee should have a clear goal in mind.
The interviewer should check whether the candidate can stand the oral test based on what he has written in his Resume. This is done by asking some simple, some tough, and some tricky questions based on the submitted Resume.
Many candidates depend on copy paste technology to prepare their Resume. Now a days chatGPT makes their life even easier. But what they fail to understand is that a company always hires the candidate and not his Resume. That is the reason why personal interviews are conducted before taking a decision to hire a candidate. Therefore, the candidate should abstain from too much dependancy on technology to create his Resume.
A candidate can write a top notch Resume but if he can't stand by it and support it with examples even technology cannot help him.
The candidate should also ensure whether the company is right for him. Can he spend four to five years of his life in the company and build his career? This he can do by asking the interviewer some relevant questions towards the end of the interview. Some interviewers give the opportunity to the candidate to ask them any queries. Even if they don't give the opportunity, the candidate can ask permission to clear his doubts about the job and the company.
The candidate should not feel fearful in front of the interviewer. In fact, he should take this opportunity to impress upon the interviewer that he is the right candidate for the post.
Also, the candidate should not apply for the job if he is not serious about joining the company. It is a waste of time for the company as well as the candidate.
If the candidate is appearing for the job interview, he should prepare well for the same. He should groom himself and practice answering job interview questions in a professional way. Just having a general knowledge about himself and his field of study is not enough. He should anticipate the questions that can be asked in the job interview and prepare an in-depth answer that will put him in positive light.
The purpose of the job interview is to discuss whether both, the company and the candidate can benefit if the candidate is hired.
Once again, remember, a job interview is a conversation, a healthy discussion between both the parties to explore the possibility of coming together and work towards a common goal.
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