[BEST] Ways to Get Fit Without Going To Gym
How to Be Fit and Active Even in Busy Schedule - Without Taking Out Time to Exercise or Going to the Gym
[Exercise Regime for the Working Couples]
About It:
Our body needs some kind of
physical activity to stay healthy
Being busy cannot be an
excuse for not doing physical activity
Not feeling well can also
not be an excuse to indulge in physical activity
We all have our daily routine;
we all can have priorities other than exercise. Good news is that we can find
physical activities that can fit our daily routine or lifestyle
When you justify your
busyness with not being able to do physical activity you have not explored
the opportunities to keep yourself active and fit
The market today requires
fit and active people more than ever
This can lead to certain body ailments that can confine you to bed for days.
This is one way the body sends a signal to us that we are not taking proper care of it.
And if we have to make our dreams come true then we cannot afford to have such breaks in our life where we lose a few days recovering from our ailment.
Going to the gym for exercise requires a great amount of discipline and a certain kind of lifestyle. Even if they want to not every working professional can adapt to this kind of discipline and lifestyle for various reasons.
It’s not a problem.
The solution is right in front of our eyes.
All we need to do is change our thinking.
Let’s get started by asking a few questions.
Is there an alternative to exercise?
Can we escape daily exercise and still remain fit and active?
Can I be fit without going to the gym?
Can I list down daily activities that I can do to stay active and fit?
Now that we have asked some powerful questions to keep ourselves fit and active, let’s explore for some answers.
Welcome to yet another blog trying to solve problems and challenges that are faced by working couples!
Here’s What You Will Discover In This Blog –
Don’t Have the Time to go to Gym or Exercise? No problems, we have other ways to help you remain active and fit.
Get Introduced to RANDOM EXERCISE
Learn the benefits of RANDOM EXERCISE
5 Places to Look for RANDOM EXERCISE Ideas that you can start instantly
Finally, Final Thoughts
Being extremely busy can be one of the biggest reasons for working couples for not being able to exercise.
But not anymore. In a few minutes, you will be learning How to Be Fit and Active Even in Busy Schedule.
Why We Avoid Going to Gym?
Sometimes having a busy schedule at home, tiredness from commuting, not in the mood and not feeling well can also lead to dedicated individuals dropping out of their exercise regime.
Even though we all know the many benefits of being physically fit and active, we are not able to get the daily recommended duration of physical exercise.
Under these circumstances do we give up or do we keep hope that one day we will be free from the hustle and bustle of daily routine then we will surely start our exercise routine?
There is something better than this.
‘Most of us have this wrong notion that doing exercise means either going to gym or early morning jogging or doing something that requires us to take out dedicated time.’
You Can Be Fit and Active Even in Busy Schedule - Without Taking Out Time to Exercise or Going to the Gym
Yes! There is good news for working couples and individuals.
Here is the good news that can get you excited – All exercise counts.
This literally means is you need not go to the gym to exercise and then feel guilty when you are not able to take out time for the gym.
All you need to do is, wherever you are, get into thirty minutes of moderate physical activity every single day. The key word here is every single day.
Your daily dose of exercise will have a compounding and positive effect on your body over a period of time.
The right word for this kind of workout is – “RANDOM EXERCISE”.
Yes, it need not be a series of routine that you follow in the gym.
RANDOM EXERCISE can get you up and go in life. You just need to make it work.
To make it a success in your life you need to call upon your dedication, creativity, and motivation.
Once you are on a roll with your random exercise you will start experiencing good feelings about your body.
Here are some of the benefits that you can reap by doing Random Exercise:
1. You will Improve your overall health
2. You will Feel better
3. You will Become active
4. You will Generate interest in life
5. You will Live a longer and healthier life
So let’s move on and discover the variety of activities that you can choose from to kick start your Random Exercise Routine.
Here are daily activities or RANDOM EXERCISE that You Can Start Today to be Active and Fit:
EXERCISE that You Can Start Today
1. Do Some Yard or Garden Work: If you have a lawn in front of your house, why not start mowing the grass yourself? It can be a good fitness source.
Another one you can try is taking a broom and start clearing the leaves from your backyard. This way you will be contributing to Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan too.
Here are few more possibilities to get you started – wash your car yourself, indulge yourself in gardening.
Can you think of something else?
Prepare a list and schedule each one for a once a week activity. You will have your personalized ‘Random Exercise’ list ready and running.
Do the activities vigorously and the benefit will be equivalent to doing aerobics. As a bonus, it will increase your strength to do other works and at the same time, it will make your body flexible.
Have you thought about exercises to be fit at home?
Here are a few ideas on ‘at home exercise for working couples’.
2. Your House is Filled With All Kinds of Opportunities: Not sure? Look around your house. Can you see all kinds of work that you can do?
Here is my list – Scrub and clean the floor of your house.
Vacuum clean your carpets, wash your windows or bathroom, Clean your Wardrobe, Wash utensils, Cut vegetables, Cook food at home.
If you indulge in all these or few of these activities how will you feel?
Won’t you feel better about the environment that you are living in?
Want some more inspirations?
Take a tour of your house. Visit every room in your house. See what else needs to be cleaned and set properly.
You may want to make the bed every day after you get up in the morning or putting the clothes in the washing machine for washing and then taking it out and hanging them to dry. It’s one of my favorite random exercises. Maybe the festival time is around the corner. Why not paint and decorate the house?
Make sure that as you perform these activities you get ample opportunity to bend from your waist. For example, bending down to pick up something or to keep something can provide the necessary exercise for your waist.
As the saying goes – Where there is a Will there is a Way!
Be willing and you will find a lot of ways inside your house to get started on your random exercise routine.
REMEMBER: We are exploring Random Exercises on
How to Be Fit and Active Even in Busy Schedule - Without
Taking Out Time to Exercise or Going to the Gym
Here is another avenue to make your body fit without going to the gym.
3. What About the Company Where You Work? A company is a place where you put in eight to nine hours of work daily. Here you can get an opportunity at every step to start your random exercise regime.
Want to talk to someone in your department? Instead of calling out and talking to him why not walk up to him and have a conversation?
Feeling thirsty? Instead of calling out for water, why not walk to the water area and have your glass of water?
After lunch why not take a short walk around your office or outside your office.
As you walk, stretch your legs, swing your arms, roll your shoulders. Make sure that all your body parts get the required exercise.
If you have been sitting at your place for too long, take a break and go for a short walk in and around your office just like that. You can even go for a coffee break.
Don’t worry what people will say. If they ask you, share with them what and why you are doing. Maybe you will even inspire them.
If you have a cabin for yourself, you can practice some stretching exercise or you can get started with Yoga Asanas.
As you read keep thinking about all the possibilities. What you can come up with can become your Best Ways to Get Fit Without a Gym.
4. Wherever You Go, Look Out for Ways to Enjoy and Have Fun: Do you have children? Play with them. If you don’t have your own kids right now, play with your neighbor’s children.
Children are full of energy, especially the little ones. They will make you do things that will provide you with the necessary exercise that your body needs.
When you go shopping at a Mall before you buy anything, make sure you go window shopping each and every floor. If it is quite a decent Mall then you would have walked for no less than two hours.
Going to buy grocery from your neighborhood supermarket? Don’t take your vehicle. Take a walk to the supermarket and back.
Trust you are getting the idea on How to keep your body fit without going to the gym.
Here’s more…
. 5. Moving Around the City: As you move around the city for shopping, park your vehicle in one place and then explore the area on foot.
If you travel by public transport, get down one stop before and walk the distance.
If you love adventure, go on a trekking expedition with a group.
Participate in some cultural activities in your society or at work.
Don’t have anything to do? Just get ready and go for a walk in the evening. You can choose a public park to walk or just explore the lanes and by-lanes near your place. All you need is a good pair of running shoes.
Exercise keeps the body parts in working condition. Not being able to exercise must not be an excuse for feeling lethargic of falling ill over and over again.
In this blog, we have discussed a variety of ways that we can incorporate in our lives to give our body the necessary exercise on a daily basis.
You have the freedom to try out a number of different activities and then finally choose that will suit you best.
Do not choose something that is very easy and does not give your body the opportunity to stretch.
If we look at it from a broader perspective of life, we grow and become a better person when we stretch ourselves to achieve bigger goals. Same is with exercise. If the body gets ample opportunity to stretch it will become an asset for you and will serve you for a long time.
As we are all aware, our body is the place where we live. It is our duty to keep our body healthy, active and fit. Nobody will do it for us.
I would like to restate that the activities should take the form of a habit. Habits are something that we do automatically. Once the activities become a habit we will not feel the burden and things will come more naturally to us.
Trust this blog opens up a window of ideas for you on
How to Be Fit and Active Even in Busy Schedule - Without
Taking Out Time to Exercise or Going to the Gym
Before you start thinking that it’s easy to say than to do, let me tell you this – I have been practicing and doing most of the activities that I have recommended above.
Let me tell you, I am the kind of person who loves to visit the gym and exercise for at least an hour every single day. Unfortunately, sometimes I do not have the time and other times I am so tired that I don’t feel like hitting the gym. This way the entire week passes by and the cycle continues.
But this has not stopped me from keeping myself fit and active. I do my share of daily chores at home that keeps me energetic and active.
Yes, it can be difficult for those who have never done it. But once you start your body will get used to it.
The secret to benefitting from the above Random Exercise is to love what you do. Do not take things as a burden. Don’t even take it as an exercise. Take it as an activity that you are doing to make your home environment better. Soon you will start loving what you do.
While making your list of Random Exercises pick something that provides peace to your soul and at the same time is useful for the body.
Do you commit to being active and fit?
Will you give it a try?
Do let me know in the comment section.
If you have any other ideas on ‘Random Exercise’ you may share it in the comment section for everybody to benefit from it.
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