Job Interview Tips & Skills for first time job seekers by Rakesh Prasad

Job Interview Tips & Skills for first time job seekers by Rakesh Prasad. Get trained in : How to face interview for freshers. How to prepare for group discussion for placements, self-introduction for a job interview. Embrace Simple yet Effective Techniques to crack your dream job interview.


Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Career Objective in Resume for Freshers


Create The Best Career Objective in Resume with Absolute No Experience [for Freshers]

Image illustrating the process of writing a career objective for resumes of fresh graduates

If you have landed on this page then I believe you are ready to start your professional career in the field of your choice.

The only way to give your career the desired takeoff is to convince the world outside that you are prepared and equipped to start your career.

Now the BIG Question is - How do you convince about your preparedness for the job?

The most popular document that we rely on is - Through a piece of document that we create called – Resume!

Do you know which section or which part of your resume tells the interviewer that you should be hired?

It is your Career Objective!

And that’s what this blog is all about.

You may argue that career objective is not the only thing that the interviewer may look at. And you are right.

But a strong Career Objective on your resume can lead the interviewer to go through the rest of the details.

Imagine a situation…

You are a fresher and you submit your resume for a job. Hundreds of candidates have applied for the same designation. The company through it’s own process of evaluation, goes through each one of them and shortlists your resume. You get a call for a personal interview for the applied post.

How would that make you feel?

Would that get you excited?

That is what every candidate applying for a job awaits.

You can make this your reality.

Remember: The Purpose of a Resume is to get shortlisted for the job interview and not to get a job.

Read on to find out how you can be that one candidate who gets shortlisted for a job interview and how your career objective can play a crucial role in the process.

In this Blog:

Locate answers and get clarity on the importance of a career objective in your resume.

Learn to use the information to create an impressive career objective for your resume, even if you are a first time job seeker.

Follow step by step process as you start working on your first career objective.


A picture saying the connection between career objective and career success.


Do You Really Understand What a Career Objective is in resume?

Why Do You Need a Career Objective in Your Resume?

What Are the Questions to ask before you start Writing a Career Objective?

How Do You Frame the Right Career Objective?

A 5 Step Process to Create an Impressive Career Objective

Action Verbs and Power Words to Use in Resume

 Important Resume Career Objective Don’ts

FAQs On ‘Resume Career Objective’


If you are a fresher and are looking forward to attending your first ever job interview then the first thing you need to do is develop a right mindset towards a crucial document you will create – your resume!

One of the reasons why freshers struggle in their job interview is that they don’t take their Resumes seriously and sincerely. For them a resume is just a piece of paper with something written about them that they have to handover to the HR job interviewer and then answer a few questions that the interviewer asks them.

Your resume is not just a piece of paper that you write. It is a well crafted sort of legal document that you present to the recruiting panel members with an expectation that he will hire you for the job. Your well documented profile will serve as your marketing material.

And in your resume the one thing that stands out and that will be looked into by the job interviewer is your Career Objective.

So, in this blog you will also take home some valuable information that will make you appreciate:

* The importance of your career objective in your resume.

* Why you should spend quality time designing your career objective?

* How you can write career objective in resume for freshers


Do You Really Understand What a Career Objective is in resume? If Not, Your Competitor May Take Away Your Job Interview…

A picture aking question about their understanding of their career objective.

Why I have raised this very basic question is because most of the students even spell the word ‘career’ as ‘carrier’. They don’t even give a thought to what they are writing.

So, the first point to take note is the spelling. The spelling is ‘career objective’ and not ‘carrier objective’.

Secondly, understand that career is for the longterm. You build a career by selecting to do a job in your chosen field for a long period of time. If you keep on doing a job for a number of years you will be building your career in that field. For example, if you chose to do a job as a programmer then you will be building a career as a programmer. Remember, if you do your job sincerely then only you will build a strong career for yourself. An halfhearted effort leads to building a mediocre career.

The word meaning of objective in career objective is something that you are trying to achieve in life. So, when you write your career objective what you are telling the interviewer is how well you have prepared and how sincere you are to build your professional life in the coming future.


Why Do You Need a Career Objective in Your Resume?

If you want to buy a book, what do you look for?

You would like to know what the book is all about, right?

Similarly, when an interviewer looks at the resume the first thing he wants to find out is, is this candidate right for the company?

And how does he do that?

By reading your career objective.

That is one reason why career objective is written at the top of a resume. It is quick to locate, easy to read and most importantly, it is written to give the employer enough information about you so that they can make an informed decision whether to call you for a job interview or not.

Does a resume need a career objective statement?

This is a very crucial question that you should pay attention to. In just three to four lines your career objective tells the interviewer about your knowledge, skills, professional goals that you look forward to achieving and what you bring to the table.

In short, you are mentioning your career objective in your resume with the intention to stand out from the crowd who are applying for the same job.

In simple language your career objective should send the following clear and concise message to the interviewer –

Dear Interviewer,

Look no further, the resume you are holding is the right candidate you are looking to hire.

If your interviewer can feel this about you then you have just sky-rocketed your chance of getting hired. This is why you need a career objective in a resume even though you are a fresher.


What Are the Questions to ask before you begin Writing your Career Objective?

If you could ask just one question around which your career objective should be based, it is this:

Why should I hire you?

Put yourself in the interviewer’s shoes. If you were holding a resume in your hand, your laser focused question would be – Is this candidate capable enough to do the job that he has applied for?

Isn’t it?

But for a fresher candidate the question, on the face of it, may appear very simple and innocent. The candidate may get carried away and if he is not prepared, he can destroy his chance of getting hired.

Let me share with you an effective process that I follow to get some really in depth answers. You can do it for your career objective too.

Write the above question – Why should I hire you? -  on top of a blank sheet of paper. Then below it start writing as many short answers as you can for that single question. I suggest you write close to hundred answers. If you can go through the pain of doing this, you will surely have clarity that most of the candidates can’t even think of.

First twenty-five answers will be very shallow like, ‘I will work very hard.’, ‘I will do whatever you tell me to do’ or even ‘I will increase your company’s turnover by one crore in one year’ and so on. In my role as an interviewer I have heard all kinds of answers that tells me how ill prepared a candidate is.

Once you cross twenty-five questions your mind will go blank. You will run out of all the answers. This is a good sign. You have emptied your mind. Now you are actually ready to think. Once you empty your mind on the paper, that’s when your real thinking will start. Keep thinking as you go about doing yourother activities. Whenever you get an answer. However silly it is, just write it down.

This is a time consuming process. It will take time, sometimes as long as a month. It’s okay. You do it once properly and it will serve you for years as you build your career.

Once you have close to hundred answers, pick out the best five and based on that design your career objective.

Again, remember, when an interviewer looks at a resume, he is searching answers for this question – why should I hire this candidate? If your career objective can provide this answer with clarity and to the satisfaction of the interviewer, you will be on top of his mind.

You will have skyrocketed your chance of getting called for the job interview.


How Do You Frame the Right Career Objective?

Most of the first time job seekers simply copy paste any random career objective from Google or now a days they make chatGPT write their career objective. Now there is no harm in using technology to do this. In fact, chatGPT can frame for you a very professional career objective that you can impress many interviewers with. But the problem arises when sitting in front of the interviewer the candidates are not able to justify what they have written. They forget this simple fact that technology can write for you, but as of now, it can’t speak for you. You have to do your own talking.

Therefore it pays to create your own career objective and also practice to present it in an effective way in front of the interviewer.


A 5-Step Process to Create an Impressive Beginner Resume Career Objective

Image saying Step by Step Process - Crafting an Effective Career Objective

Step#1: Write a short statement

It is important that your career objective should be short and have short sentences. Some candidates write one long sentence without using any comma or full stop. In addition, the career objective is filled with heavy words without giving any indication as to what the candidate is trying to communicate. This creates difficulty for the interviewer to read and understand what the candidate is trying to convey.

As an exercise, try reading your career objective. If you feel losing your breath, it means that you need to rework on creating a better version of your career objective.

What I suggest is to follow the KISS Principle of writing.

KISS stands for:

K – Keep

I – it Interesting

S – Short

S – and Simple

Step#2: Write a targeted statement

Again, a targeted statement follows certain rules. Here are a few pointers:

The Industry in which you want to work and build your career should be clear. Do you want to work in IT industry, or is it going to be finance or medical? Be focused.

You should be clear about the kind of job that you are applying for. Do you want to be a programmer, an app developer or an auditor? Specify it clearly in your career objective.

I have seen many candidates who are ready to work in any industry and show willingness to do any kind of job that is available. This sends a negative message to the interviewer. With such answers you are unable to build trust and may get rejected.


Step#3: Give clarity about your career direction

Oftentimes when the interviewer asks them where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? A few candidates who are not clear, reply – Sir, I want to start my own business or I see myself as the CEO of a company.

These are all unprepared answers. It doesn’t help the interviewer. And if you are not clear about your career direction chances are either you will be rejected or may be offered a low salary paying job.

Step#4: Position yourself as a candidate who is the ideal fit for the post.

This has to be done strategically by highlighting what skills and talents you bring to the table. Understand one thing, skill is what you can do with what you have studied. If you have studied Computer Science and want to start your career as a programmer, then the question is, can you write a program? How many programs have you written? What problems have you tried solving using your programming skills?

Never write any skill in your career objective that you have not practiced enough. You might be clean bowled by just one question.

Step#5: Keep the tone of your content enthusiastic.

Here some of you may ask – Enthusiasm can be shown in person, how can someone show enthusiasm in their career objective?

Remember, words have power. Not only spoken words, but also written words. They carry powerful emotions. Whether you write it or you speak it out it touches the reader. A good example is a bestseller novel or a great self-help book.

An interviewer has to sift through tons of resume. If the tone of your message doesn’t excite him, he will ignore your resume, even if you may be an ideal candidate for the job. As a candidate it is your job to make sure that your career objective gets noticed by the interviewer. Your career objective should do the talking for you. If he is convinced with what he reads then only the interviewer will call you to have a discussion and find out if you can really deliver.

How can you make a strong impression with your career objective?

Own your career objective. By owning your career objective you are taking responsibility of not just the content but also of your career and professional life.

The content in your resume that we are discussing, should in an interesting manner describe your enthusiasm for your future goals and personal growth.

If you present yourself as someone who is passionate about his career, the interviewer will also feel the same emotions and will be able to connect with you.

A picture revealing what it takes to do a great work and build a thriving career.

Action Verbs and Power Words to Use in Resume

When you have a limited time to make a lasting impression on the interviewer, one of the effective ways to grab the attention of your interviewer is to use action verbs and power words in your career objective.

25 Examples of Resume Power Words that You Can Incorporate in your Career Objective:

If you are wondering how you can make your resume stand out from the crowd and speak to the interviewer then replace boring phrases and words with following strong action verbs and power words in your resume.

1. Knowledagble

2. Persistent

3. Determined

4. Meticulous

5. Diligent

6. Ingenious

7. Motivated

8. Dynamic

9. Dedicated

10. Self-starter

11. Skilled

12. Organized

13. Disciplined

14. Professional

15. Specialized in

16. Handled

17. Self-motivated

18. Go getter

19. Energetic

20. Initiated

21. Accomplished

22. Undertook

23. Developed

24. Made progress on

25. Progressive


4 Important Don’ts of Resume Career Objective

1. Don’t use the same career objective for every job that you apply for.

It may happen that, even though you are applying for a similar job in different organizations, the requirements of different organizations may vary. They may require a skill that you have but you have not mentioned it in your present career objective. So read the requirements of the organization mentioned in the job advertisement carefully and make sure that your career objective is customized specifically to the job you are applying for.


2. Don’t copy paste your career objective from your friend’s resume or from the internet.

The HR professionals conducting job interviews have decades of experience conducting job interviews. Reading the career objective, they can understand within seconds whether it has been copied or is original. Never try to undermine or cheat an interviewer.

Once, in an interview I asked a candidate to explain his career objective. He couldn’t do that. When I enquired he said that he had copied it from his friend. Your career is your responsibility and so is writing your career objective.

By attending job interviews you are exploring and embarking on a journey of building your professional career. Don’t take things lightly. Prepare well. Invest the due time and effort required creating your career objective.

3. Your career objective should not be something that talks only about you.

Remember, a job is all about how you can serve and not what you want for yourself. You fulfill your wants in college when you pick on a subject to do your higher studies. Once you get your degree, it’s time to ask – How can I serve with what I have studied and the skills I have developed?

So, don’t just write about how intelligent or how smart you are. The interviewer is not interested. The only thing the interviewer is interested in is can you deliver?

As we have discuused above, your career objective should answer the fundamental question – Why should I hire you?

A Bad Career Objective Example:

An intelligent fresher having scored 98% marks seeks an opportunity to learn new skills, develop my knowledge in the field of IT and build a successful career.

4. Don’t write vague and confusing career objective.

If you, as a candidate, try to confuse the interviewer you will be rejected. When you go for a job interview you should be clear about what you want to do. Going for a job interview with hazy and fuzzy career objective shows how insincere and casual you are about your career.

A sample vague career objective can be – Looking for a long term, and full time job in any field and in any position where I can apply my skills and knowledge to the position I am hired for.

If you were the HR conduction interview would you hire this candidate?

I hope not.


What Are Some Examples of Resume Objective?

Given below are some of the common resume objectives that will give you a general idea. Use them as an inspiration rather than copying it.

1. An enthusiastic Computer Science graduate with superior knowledge of programming language seeks a challenging position in IT Industry that offers opportunities in app development.

2. An enthusiastic Business Graduate seeks a position as a Management Trainee bringing exceptional accounting skills to provide valuable support to the organization.

3. Skilled and self-motivated individual seeks a programming position in IT industry. I bring to the table a strong computer trouble shooting skills and am excited to create value by utilizing my superior understanding of what the market demands and my programming proficiency to deliver the same.

Picture revealing a tip on how to start a successful career.

Resume Career Objective FAQs

How Should A Fresher Write A Career Objective?

Use an adjective that defines your quality. This shows your willingness to learn and work. Example: focused, enthusiastic, self-motivated, and skilled.

I hope you get the idea.

Mention the field you would like to work in. Example: app developer, web developer, lab technician.

Mention the Industry you would like to work in. Example: Information Technology, Hospitality, Banking.

Mention what skills and talents you bring to the table that makes you the best suited candidate for the job.


What are my Career Objectives?

Career Objective is your personal statement that sends a message to the interviewer how well you are prepared to start your professional life. It’s a short trailer of the kind of person you are, the skills you have developed and how they will help you in the career you seek.


What is resume objective for a fresher?

For a fresher, understanding the objective of a resume plays a very critical role in preparation of the resume. The objective of a resume is to be shortlisted amongst all applicants and called for a job interview. Once you sit in front of the interviewer you get the opportunity to impress upon him why you are the best choice for that job.


What is the best career objective?

The best career objective is one short and crisp statement that highlights your skills and puts you in limelight in comparison with other candidates applying for the same job. If your career objective can make the interviewer sit up and take notice then you have created a winning career objective.



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